Now, don't get me wrong. The dragons sound great. I'm sure they will be very well done, and a lot of fun.
*looking back, I believe this person misquoted an article or the podcast concerning dungeons, not dragons...the two are often confused, due to their similar phonetics and proximity to one another in pen and paper RPGs.
Basically, dragons are a one time deal. After this game, it is very unlikely we will see dragons, at least for the forseeable future. On the other hand, things that should be in this game, and every game after, are not. The main things that I would give up dragons for are mounted combat, werewolves, and spears, not necessarily in that order. I would also like to see real-time boats (even just rowboats) but I'm not going to be greedy.
So, is there anything that you do not think will be included that you would happily exchange dragons for?