These posts in this mention about what status the Morrowind Patch Project has and I completely agree with all of them, because I have exactly the same impression too about what disarray the current patching has.
Please note that this is not a direct complaint towards qourn or any of the past author(s) in any way, who have done a great work for the whole community over the years. Thank you to all authors of MPP/UMP.
Before I continue I will first give brucoms an answer for a very valid question; "I don't know for sure who is in charge. However I do know that quorn are the one who is active at the moment, so I guess that he is in charge."
Now you may ask why all this fuss and my reason for doing that I too want to contribute to the community in any way I can. So here is what I would like to offer to the Morrowind modding community.
I both can and will offer my site (it's not much to see there right now for several reasons) to be a permanent home for as Mistahtokyo suggested it - Unofficial Morrowind Patch - to be a place for further maintenance, which includes a separate UMP-team forum for discussions, intensive testing, releasing new versions etc etc. However doing that brings up another matter though that I need to mention about and that is about myself.
I am not a modder in general speaking and will probably never be one, but who knows for sure and my destiny as a modder is written in a crystal ball. This is one of my not so good side, but I do have other good sides too.
One of them is that I do have some basic knowledge about phpBB forum software, which is the same as GHF forum has today except for the customizations that Fliggerty has there. There is also a reason why I mention Fliggerty in all this, because I once had my site hosted on GHF server and that was about 2-3 years ago I think. Today is Sovngarde hosted in Sweden.
Another positive side that I have is that I know how to document e.g picture(s) an issue in-game despite for not having a good English a least I can make myself understood in most cases.
I also have average knowledge about how some mod user tools e.g Wrye Mash, mlox, TESPCD works and what purpose each tools has.
Like I said earlier in this post about my site is that I both can and will open up Sovngarde and let it be accessible, or if so desire, also move Sovngarde to GHF as soon as possible if I got a green light from Fliggerty, so let say I could do that anytime Sovngarde will be up and running as a permanent home for UMP within 3 days.
Feel free to post your comments/suggestions in this thread about the future for the Unofficial Morrowind Patch. Thanks for reading.