That makes sense. I have played every COD game so that's my benchmark for FPS multiplayer games. If the goal was to slow down the game...Mission accomplished.
Crysis 3 just feels very slow and "campy" to me but then again... So does Battlefield. Interestingly, Call of Duty has hundreds-of-thousands of people playing on the PS3 right now.... Crysis 3 has hundreds. Apparently I am not alone in my feelings and it would be a pretty smart move on EA's part to figure out why.

To answer your question, I would just like the option to skip the killcam. If I get hit with a grenade that I see rolling toward me I don't always need to watch the killcam to see the guy throw it.
So every multiplayer FPS should mimic Call of Duty?
That's the mentality that's been destroying the gaming community. The respawn time actually plays a huge role on the battlefield, even if a lot of people consider it annoying (I hate it, but because I have to see the guy who killed me, just give me a overview of the battlefield and the remaining time to respawn).
And besides, if all you're wanting in a multiplayer FPS is to be like CoD, why would you buy another game? Just stick to that franchise, I don't have anything against that, I love it too, but bashing on a new game because it is different to a another one... Really?