I would like to skip the killcam, please!

Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:50 pm

I will preface this by saying that I DIE A LOT. I am an objective player and don't even have a class set up with the hunter bow. I run and gun and use the armor WAY more than invisibility.

That being said.... I spend a lot of time watching killcams. I just finished a game where I went 23-17 on Crash Site. Since it takes about 7 seconds to get back into the game (death animation and killcam) that means I ended up wasting 2 minutes of >10 minute game (20%) waiting to get back into the action.

The maps are so freakin' huge that it already take forever to get back to the objective that you are protecting or attacking so why add MORE time to the game watching a killcam that you don't want to see?

Can we have a button to skip this if we don't want to sit through it?
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:48 am

The killcam serves the purpose of watching something while waiting to respawn.
Are you suggesting to have an option to turn off killcams or do you want the respawn time to be shorter?
The respawn time was set that way so the battlefield actually feels affected when a team cleans up an area, not like CoD where you respawn immediately and there's no impact whatsoever on the battlefield, since if your team kills all your enemies in an area, there will be a "reinforcement" in like 5 seconds.
Also, it helps on objective modes, like spears or crash site, so there's a brief time to capture the objective before the enemies you just killed come back to deny it.
Just look at Team Fortress 2, the respawn time actually sets the margin of it being a completely broken game to a team based shooter.
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:35 pm

That makes sense. I have played every COD game so that's my benchmark for FPS multiplayer games. If the goal was to slow down the game...Mission accomplished.

Crysis 3 just feels very slow and "campy" to me but then again... So does Battlefield. Interestingly, Call of Duty has hundreds-of-thousands of people playing on the PS3 right now.... Crysis 3 has hundreds. Apparently I am not alone in my feelings and it would be a pretty smart move on EA's part to figure out why. :)

To answer your question, I would just like the option to skip the killcam. If I get hit with a grenade that I see rolling toward me I don't always need to watch the killcam to see the guy throw it.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:08 am

That makes sense. I have played every COD game so that's my benchmark for FPS multiplayer games. If the goal was to slow down the game...Mission accomplished.

Crysis 3 just feels very slow and "campy" to me but then again... So does Battlefield. Interestingly, Call of Duty has hundreds-of-thousands of people playing on the PS3 right now.... Crysis 3 has hundreds. Apparently I am not alone in my feelings and it would be a pretty smart move on EA's part to figure out why. :)

To answer your question, I would just like the option to skip the killcam. If I get hit with a grenade that I see rolling toward me I don't always need to watch the killcam to see the guy throw it.

So every multiplayer FPS should mimic Call of Duty?
That's the mentality that's been destroying the gaming community. The respawn time actually plays a huge role on the battlefield, even if a lot of people consider it annoying (I hate it, but because I have to see the guy who killed me, just give me a overview of the battlefield and the remaining time to respawn).
And besides, if all you're wanting in a multiplayer FPS is to be like CoD, why would you buy another game? Just stick to that franchise, I don't have anything against that, I love it too, but bashing on a new game because it is different to a another one... Really?
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:53 am

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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:35 am

I am not saying that any game needs to mimic Call of Duty but it's downright foolish to ignore what is successful. If there is a game that sells a BILLION dollars in the first week I think it's safe to say that they got something right. Figure out what they are doing right and strive to make it even better.

As it stands... Crysis 3 feels somewhat dead on the vine with under 1,000 people playing on Double XP weekend and Battlefield, while it has it's zealots, has nowhere near the following that COD has. I have my complaints about COD and I really want to like Crysis. I promise that I am not just some COD fanboy coming here to bash other games.

If they want to make a COD-killer (which I wish SOMEONE would do) then they need to take COD's strengths and add to them. If they want to stand on principle and reject everything "Call of Duty" then they do so at their peril.

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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:59 pm

I am not saying that any game needs to mimic Call of Duty but it's downright foolish to ignore what is successful. If there is a game that sells a BILLION dollars in the first week I think it's safe to say that they got something right. Figure out what they are doing right and strive to make it even better.

As it stands... Crysis 3 feels somewhat dead on the vine with under 1,000 people playing on Double XP weekend and Battlefield, while it has it's zealots, has nowhere near the following that COD has.

If they want to stand on principle and reject everything "Call of Duty" then they do so at their peril.

So are you saying that thanks to the unskippable killcams and long respawn times, the game isn't selling enough copies? Last time I checked, people don't really think that's a hard selling point. Besides, you're comparing Crysis 3, a game that just released last wednesday, with two game that were released several months ago.
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Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:07 am

Nope. I am not saying that's the only reason it's not selling. That does, however, contribute to the slower pace (along with the gigantic maps) and the overall PACE of a game most definitely does affect sales. I would wager that the majority of the people who play FPS games want a fast paced game. Long respawn times, marathon treks to the objective and actually creating tools that promote 'camping' contribute to this being a slow(er) paced game.

Please don't get me wrong... I really do like Crysis 3 multiplayer. I have played it for around 9 hours this weekend (I got it Friday) and I have found it enjoyable. Ranking up weapons and various abilities keeps it interesting and I think they definitely got that part right. With only a couple of exceptions, the weapons feel balanced and no particular ability is a game-breaker. With a few fundamental tweaks I know that this game can be a contender.

You seem to be knowledgeable about various games.... Why do you think that COD sells a Billion dollars and other games can't even come close?
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