Not only do I need fun from a shooter I also need a challenge, and atleast a fraction of a community made of skilled players.
Brink is going to be more challenging than other current shooters on the market, based around the bullets to kill and the different hitboxes.
- first off, no OHK in Brink - this eliminates many noobish tactics, like camping with a sniper rifle or quickscoping.
- there is also 3 separate hitboxes - head, body and limbs.
Headshots do the most - around 2-3 shots to kill
bodyshots are second - around 3-6 to kill
shots to the limbs do the least - around 5-8 shots to kill
- this is where the skill and competitiveness comes into play, since skilled players will always be aiming for headshots, unlike other games where there are so few shots needed to kill, players aim anywhere on the body since 2-3 kills them no matter where they land a hit.
gunplay in Brink will not be about who can find the best hiding spot and last the longest before dying. It will be fast, visceral and always moving, with the skilled players coming out on top because they understand how the system works.