» Fri May 27, 2011 8:44 am
Nope, no user made mods on the consoles.
There are several reasons for this.
1)Due to security measures on the consoles, file systems are too different. Would require recoding.
2)No way of activating the mods on the console. You have to put the files in the right location AND then activate them via the Data Files option on the launcher, which is completely absent from the console versions. Would require recoding.
3)Bethesda aren't going to be interested in doing all the above without some sort of monetary cover for the man hours and resources required to select the 'Best Mods', recode them, bug test and upload them.
But of course, they can't really charge for them as this would alienate the modding community if no one was paid for the work they did on a mod. Likewise, even if modders recieved payment, others would be angry that 'their mod X wasn't picked instead of mod Y, which does the same thing'
And who determines what the 'best mods' are?
3)Microsoft and Sony are both wary of modding on the consoles. This is especially true with games were the mods can make such fundamental changes to the game. Map makers for multiplayer is one thing, but mods made for sandbox RPG's are another.
Even Unreal Tournament 3 required the maps to be made on the PC and converted to the PS3 with a tool. Even that process wasn't always succesful.
Bottom lin, not gonna happen.