So, I've made a couple of very, very small mods for Skyrim and Oblivion (tinkering with Jenassa's appearance, creating a 'blank journal' buyable from Lucan Valerius, a 'grocery delivery chest' in the next cell to my player home that could have a 'payment' (gems or something, as gold isn't an inventory item in Oblivion) added and after 3 days would respawn with fresh ingredients - unfortunately this went a bit awry as I couldn't seem to make it actually show up in the game world...) I've been looking for a player home in Morrowind and nothing is quite what I'm after, so I'm wondering if this might be a manageable first project (assuming I can find tutorials or whatnot...)
Small house (similar size to Caius' home in Balmora) with about four storage containers - non-respawning
On the road from Balmora to Caldera, probably in the style of Caldera/Pelagiad houses as they seem more 'rural' than the Balmora style
No fancy free god-mode items
Small 'quest' to get access to it - this is the bit where I think I may be over-reaching.
Basically I don't really like getting a 'free' house - even ones where you find the previous owner's dead body in a cave or something kind of make me feel like it's insecure and someone will eventually come and evict you for squatting - even though I know that's not actually going to happen. On the other hand, I want this to be a starter home, so I don't want to have to pay a hefty chunk of cash for it. So, I'm wondering whether I could either
a/ (simplest optiom, I woult think) have a note on the door saying 'if you are interested in renting this house, speak to X in Caldera' - find X, they either offer to rent the place to you (is there any way of making a non-bribe payment to an NPC?) or, presumably simpler, they are a shopkeeper and simply ask you to promise to bring them any particularly interesting items you discover on your adventures and let them buy them off you 'for a good price' (thus leaving it open to roleplay if you want to reduce the amount you sell them for or simply never actually go back and sell them anything, or somewhere in between) or
b/ tie it in with an existing quest - I don't think I'm up to making a 'real' quest, but would it be possible to have the owner being an NPC who has a side quest of their own, and edit the dialogue relating to that quest so instead of saying 'blah blah please do this thing' they say 'blah blah I need the thing doing, you need somewhere to live, we can help each other out' or words to that effect? Then at the end of the quest they hand over the key as well as whatever the original reward was.
As you can probably tell, I don't know anything about what goes on 'under the bonnet', so to speak, of Morrowind quests, but I'm thinking that the written dialogue aspect may make this more possible than it might be in the later games? Probably way off base here, though!