Oh...I doubt it. Would be stupid if so. And can't you just make a Steam account? Or do you have to pay like monthly for one?
you don't have to pay a monthly fee to steam, but you will be paying a monthly internet bill. which for me (if I was the one paying the bills) would be 75$ a month. you can play offline, but you have to be able to log in online to select offline to begin with so if you don't have internet and steam is required your screwed. nothing imo is wrong with steam other than not getting to have a physical copy for when steam no longer exists but games should not be exclusivly available through a single service
Yea, I thought NV required it. It seems that's the path Beth is going down, so Skyrim will probably require it.
NV did require it. now what we don't know if it was BGS idea to provide it exclusivly through steam or Obsidian, but I don't know why OBS. would have a say in that matter since they made the game not published it. SK might be steam exclusive, but I think it might actually be available other ways since there was a backlash of sorts among a good number of people.