In a word? No.
I assume by dating, you mean something more consistent than the first few dates of getting to know someone a little better - I have been bored on many a first date, because sometimes people are nervous or shy so I hate to immediately make a snap judgment after sitting having coffee for an hour. But usually you can figure out pretty early on if someone is intelligent -I equate intelligence with a keen sense of humor, sarcasm and general wise-assery - all qualities I look for in a guy.

Stupidity can have all those qualities, and often does. Remember that stupidity is being
intentionally unwise, imbicillic, mornonic, etc. Maybe it's just my experience but I've noticed from guys I've dated that too much sarcasm and wiseassery often comes with a darker tone of just-below-the-surface extreme pessimism and it gets old very quickly, especially when they start holding grudges about anything and everything.
Example: Sarcasm Guy is giving me a hand with my fish tank and I'm showing him how to run one and how how the filter works and everything, and his comment was "so basicly you are running an unlicenced septic system, then?" Hahaha that would be so funny if every single comment wasn't like that. The guy was intelligent but a terrible communicator and just had a black storm cloud over his head that was there seemingly all the time. The weight of it would drag you down after a while, you know?
They are harder to find but give me the sweet intelligent guy over Mr Dark-Wit any day of the week. :wub: