Since "intelligence" is in the eye of the beholder, hard to say this is all condescending - people are stating their thoughts based on what they see as intelligent in another person. My idea of what is intelligent and appealing to me varies widely from the next person I would imagine. As Archie's post below illustrates.

Her interpretation of Sarcastic vs. mine as a personality type and an appealing attribute is quite different. Relentless negative "humor" attempts are not clever witty sarcasm - for me.Stupidity and Intelligence as a quality in another person is so widely interpreted based on the individual. So I can say " I would not date a stupid person for any length of time" - but that person who seems stupid to me is not necessarily some IQ-bereft dullard - it's just someone who has certain personality traits or character attributes that I don't like.
Yeah that is true. I grew up in an environment where there was a lot of psychological abuse and a lot of it was in the form of sarcasm or assumed-sarcasm. I've also been told on more than one occasion that I'm not attractive to guys because my intelligence as "intimidating" :lmao: no loss missing out on those guys!
I am sure I have left dates with men and they were thinking to themselves "hmm, she didn't have a lot to say, pretty boring", and thought I was a little on the stupid side.
I try and get conversations going but I've had a few that were so bad I was left dumbfounded, guys for example on a first date the guy (some women make this same mistake too) makes the conversation all about their ex's or other conquests and one night stands and other girls they are interested in and would rather date if they were single, some would get really graphic and innapropriate stuff. :whistling: I don't even know what to say about that!
One guy actually had the audacity to take me to a play, which I thought was going to be a nice date, but it turned out his ex was working there, he knew she was going to be there and I was brought along as a tool to mess with her head, and this guy actually thought he would have a chance with me after a performance like that, he kept trying even up to the point where I drove him to his house and I had to tell him to get out of the car! Some people. :bonk:
This guy may have been well read and intelligent but his actions definitely put him in the 'stupid' category!
They may be intelligent and successful in their sphere, but something about them did not pique my interest, which would in turn set me on "polite, quiet social mode", as opposed to my more normal chattier, silly mode.I <3 Mr. Dark-wit.

I lasted 4 months with Mr Eeyore, you can have him. :foodndrink: :ahhh: