Would you date a stupid person?

Post » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:08 pm

She is pretty and fun, yes I would go out with her.
Serious relationship, no.
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:59 am

Yes, being around other smart people is overrated.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:07 am

I hate to say it, but there's people I know who don't know anything about the things I like, but try to make conversation with me about them. For example, sports. I'm an MSU football fan, so this person I know asked "Hey, didn't Ohio State beat us this year? Aren't they usually pretty good?" The answers are, of course, no and yes. I told her, and she basically said "I thought we did," and asks me if I was sure.

I can deal with somebody not knowing everything that I know, but please, don't try to make conversation about things you don't know and act like you do know.

Generally, though, I wouldn't put it on too big of a pedestal. If I gave it a week or so and enjoyed spending time with a "stupid person", then yes. But if their attitude rubs me the wrong way, I will walk.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:05 pm

Considering I am more intelligent and knowledgeable than nearly everyone I know, despite my immaturity, I am forced to date those who are below me. :whistling:

But really, I am pretty darn smart and knowledgeable.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:26 am

if shes smoking hot then i really dont care. :) although being able to carry a conversation is a plus its not the end all be all. to be honest its what you discuss that is most important to me. some of the smartest people i know are completely dull and lifeless and some of the "intellectually challenged" people i know are a blast to hang around with............and yes i pretend to act stupid around them on occasion although i try and not do it. for some reason its almost instinctive to act like people on the same level.
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:24 am

No, never. Of course, I never have to worry about it, being affianced to a beautiful and intelligent woman already.
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Post » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:53 pm

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sam westover
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:26 am

If she's fun I suppose but there's other factors. It all depends on what it is the person wants. If they are a superficial person and they want someone who fits the Burger King's "Have it Your Way" mantra with an e-Harmony like menu surrounding said superficial wants, then good for them, but these things have nothing much to do with a relationship and someone looking for these are more likely to fail in a relationship without me feeling any remorse. However, I think that's missing the point. Whether or not someone is dumb or smart I wouldn't be terribly concerned about. I'm more worried about are they honest, do we mesh well together, do we complement one another, and can both of us give each other what we desire in a relationship (can't only be concerned about my own wants). These things answer themselves as you spend time with someone, get to know them, and how well you are together.

It isn't surprising that most people I know that were too worried about things like "stupid" vs "smart" are unhappy in their relationships because it has little to do with any long lasting relationship. I wouldn't consider my wife extremely smart by any means, nor dumb. There's only a few things that she certainly knows more about than I do, and doesn't care to research many things, yet still makes an educated decision about life and moreover has the will to make a relationship work, puts out an effort to make me happy (in fact, far more than I ever thought someone would), is easy to please, and is more than willing to let me return the favor. We spend by far most of our day together, we did on the phone and on Skype before we lived together, and now that I'm in Canada with her nothing has changed. Have a baby on the way as well, and she's not the "flip out" type who has to have life and the those around it fit some pre-conceived world view like I think of when people ask "smart or stupid?".
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Killah Bee
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:58 am

if shes smoking hot then i really dont care. :) although being able to carry a conversation is a plus its not the end all be all. to be honest its what you discuss that is most important to me. some of the smartest people i know are completely dull and lifeless and some of the "intellectually challenged" people i know are a blast to hang around with............and yes i pretend to act stupid around them on occasion although i try and not do it. for some reason its almost instinctive to act like people on the same level.

No offense, but have you ever spent any extended period of time with someone who is really smart but you can't have a conversation with? It gets to a point where it doesn't matter how hot she is, if you can't talk the relationship will fail. I think you're missing the point of the smart vs stupid thing too, I know a lot of brains (people in pre med, advanced physics, etc) who are very smart people, but I find very hard to talk to. It's not that I'm stupid and they're way smarter, just that we're on much different wavelengths... I can't have a conversation about the merits of nuclear power, but there are a lot of things I could talk about that would make them bored/not understand.

I would almost say a lot of it is interest based, you can't have two people who have nothing in common have a great relationship either, because its boring to not be able to share what makes you tick with others. My point being is that as you get older, conversation becomes a pretty important part of any relationship, I don't just sit around with friends, play xbox and burp/fart as communication anymore and when I go out with a girl, conversation pretty much dictates how the date went.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:23 am

No offense, but have you ever spent any extended period of time with someone who is really smart but you can't have a conversation with? It gets to a point where it doesn't matter how hot she is, if you can't talk the relationship will fail. I think you're missing the point of the smart vs stupid thing too, I know a lot of brains (people in pre med, advanced physics, etc) who are very smart people, but I find very hard to talk to. It's not that I'm stupid and they're way smarter, just that we're on much different wavelengths... I can't have a conversation about the merits of nuclear power, but there are a lot of things I could talk about that would make them bored/not understand.

I would almost say a lot of it is interest based, you can't have two people who have nothing in common have a great relationship either, because its boring to not be able to share what makes you tick with others. My point being is that as you get older, conversation becomes a pretty important part of any relationship, I don't just sit around with friends, play xbox and burp/fart as communication anymore and when I go out with a girl, conversation pretty much dictates how the date went.

er.........that was the point of my post. as i said, lots of super smart people are very boring to talk too. we are also talking about going out with someone, not marrying them or even staying with them for a long period of time. in that case, as long as i dont have to tie her shoes im not really interested in her intellect. i tend to be attracted to party girls because im not an outgoing person and its nice to be around someone who pushes me to socialize and be more spontaneous. ive observed that some of them clearly arent as dumb as they portray themselves to be. im certainly not going to tell some girl i met at a bar that i love star wars, video games, building computers and modding games..........id be going home alone more often. i focus on my working out and martial arts, camping, hiking etc. i think some people just assume that most people wouldnt like them if they acted to smart. i know that ive killed alot of conversations when i try and bring up a difficult topic............so i just dont do it anymore. :grad:
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:32 am

Intelligence is something that I use to decipher if a girl is attractive or not.

Definitely this.

Went out with a hot girl once that was just a total dud and it was just a major turnoff. Looks are 50% of the equation for me. If she has to "uhhhhh" and "ummmm" with the deer in the headlights look after every single question I ask her (like what are your ambitions or goals in life?), it makes me want to strangle myself. Nothing like a girl who doesn't know what ambitions means and still answers with telling me her hobbies like shopping. :facepalm:

Oh and she had really bad manners too eating with her mouth open and talking..... :sick:
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:21 am

No, intelligence is a condition I need in someone.

Intelligence is something that I use to decipher if a girl is attractive or not.

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meg knight
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:24 am

Dating would be work, but a steady relationship just would not - it just would never click. So dating would be just for fun. Which makes it something other than dating.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:53 am

I don't like to talk to people with the IQ of a donkey's behind, so in other words: no... One doesn't just pick someone for it's looks but also for the companionship, etc.

You can't talk about everything with stupid people, they just don't understand...
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:24 am

Probably not. Intelligence/generally having the same political beliefs as me are pretty much essential.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:50 am

Nope. First thing, stupid -- and I do mean stupid, not necessarily just ignorant -- people annoy me greatly. I just can't stand stupidity. As much as that makes me sound like a holier-than-though ass, I don't know how else to say it. Second thing, personality is the overwhelming factor when it comes to dating someone, and a stupid one is definitely not something I'd go for.

Oh, the irony. :P

I wouldn't date any girl, since I'm a heterosixual female, but a slightly dim-witted guy... Honestly, I don't know. It really depends, "stupid" is such a relative term. I would strongly prefer someone of at least average intellect. And it depends on the kind of stupidity we're talking about. Someone who's a bit slow on the uptake I'm okay with, but someone who is just blatantly ignorant and unwilling to learn (I'm aware these people aren't always "stupid" in that sense, but still) is not okay.
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:04 am

Depends. After all, I'm no Albert Einsteen myself.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:00 am

Depends on what we are calling stupid here. I mean I could date a girl that isn't an academic who works as a hairdresser or a waitress and has just moderate intelligence. Women like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww I couldn't date. Nerdy girls are always preferable. Watching Star Trek, playing video games together and stuff would be better than a girlfriend who likes to watch gossip girl or Australia's next top model.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:31 pm

some of the smartest people i know are completely dull and lifeless and some of the "intellectually challenged" people i know are a blast to hang around with

I have to admit I've found this to be true as well.

Intelligence =/= people skills (i.e., fun conversation, good communication)

Even at my day job, we've passed on some potential hires who were obviously extremely intelligent, with impeccable resumes, who unfortunately lacked people skills, in favor of someone *slightly* less qualified . You have to hire someone you will not find irritating after working with them for 8-10 hours per day.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:12 am

No, I want a guy so intelligent I stand in awe at it. Heck, I'm so "picky" that I cannot abide bad grammar/spelling, even in texting and typing (ugh, especially overuse of ellipses). Typos are okay, though. Into computers and science are melting points for me. I'm one of the lucky ones who's got exactly all that and more.

EDIT: Wit! Must not forget wit!
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:57 am

Probably not. Eventually all their talk of reality shows and craptastic music would make me kill them or something that would land me in Prison.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:39 pm

er.........that was the point of my post. as i said, lots of super smart people are very boring to talk too. we are also talking about going out with someone, not marrying them or even staying with them for a long period of time. in that case, as long as i dont have to tie her shoes im not really interested in her intellect. i tend to be attracted to party girls because im not an outgoing person and its nice to be around someone who pushes me to socialize and be more spontaneous. ive observed that some of them clearly arent as dumb as they portray themselves to be. im certainly not going to tell some girl i met at a bar that i love star wars, video games, building computers and modding games..........id be going home alone more often. i focus on my working out and martial arts, camping, hiking etc. i think some people just assume that most people wouldnt like them if they acted to smart. i know that ive killed alot of conversations when i try and bring up a difficult topic............so i just dont do it anymore. :grad:

I think that's why we should have agreed upon a term for intelligence for this thread. I just meant it in a way that you can tell by talking to someone, not that they have to be a scientist or programmer or something. You have to admit though, if you've ever gone out with a girl who constantly is going uhhhhh like ummm after every slightly in depth question, anything above a one night stand is out of the question.
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:31 am

I think that's why we should have agreed upon a term for intelligence for this thread. I just meant it in a way that you can tell by talking to someone, not that they have to be a scientist or programmer or something. You have to admit though, if you've ever gone out with a girl who constantly is going uhhhhh like ummm after every slightly in depth question, anything above a one night stand is out of the question.

thats why i always carry gum around. most of them have difficulty chewing and talking at the same time. a little warning though.......dont give them any gum if they plan on driving or operating heavy machinery. :)
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:49 am

No, its annoying.

I don't mean someone who you have to explain things too if they don't get something or just simply ignorant, you can teach them.

But someone who will not take the time to learn or thinks its a waste of time. NO.

This. I don't need a rocket scientist but it would be nice to maintain a conversation on something interesting :shrug:
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:44 am

@Davor: read http://notalwaysright.com/ sites archives. That's stupidity right there. The kind of stupidity where the IQ is the same as their shoe-size.

You made my day :)
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