I'm coming late to this... but I did read the whole thing. Interesting discussion.
And that's a fair enough question. But look around the forum. How many times do you see a post like the following:
Like Phitt (?) said, you have to determine who you're making this mod for. You can't please everyone - it's physically impossible. At one end of the spectrum, there are people who slavishly rely on that little green arrow, and at the other, there are those who go so far as to remove their own marker from the map. As with most things, the majority of players fall somewhere in the middle - they follow the arrow sometimes (maybe even most of the time) and don't like to think too hard. They want to have fun.
Now, I'm not speaking for myself here. I use COBL, which has a function to turn the markers off. I set it to "Sometimes", because if I get stuck or lost, I can pull it up and find out where I'm going. I have a brain; I like to use it. I like puzzles too - I've spent many hours poring over Ervvin's riddles, the maps from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11616 (great mod, BTW), and other mods. I get a great sense of satisfaction from figuring out a riddle, as I'm sure a lot of other people do.
Okay, please forgive another example, direct from Oblivion:
Version 1: You are told to find someone in Anvil. You are given their name. You go Anvil. Suddenly, everyone in Anvil has a topic with the person's name in their dialog options. You click on that and the NPC says, "Nope, never heard of that person, but you might try the _______." Which, of course, is exactly where the person is.
Version 2: You are told to find someone in Anvil. You are given their name. Maybe only part of their name. You go to Anvil. No helpful, intuitive NPCs. Not even a topic in the dialog. You go the fighter's guild. No one by that name there. Mages Guild? Nope. And so on ... until you see a character at an inn with the name. Click on the person ... and presto! You got it.
My version would be, of course, number 2. Too hard?
Yes. Having to search for something/someone with
no clues whatsoever isn't immersive, it's annoying. Someone should know this guy. Similarly, if you're searching for a dungeon, there should be clues somewhere - even if they're buried in some dusty old tome you have to buy at the First Edition. You might disagree, but walkthroughs are a player's friend (and a modder's too - it eliminates a lot of stupid questions). Just about every major quest mod out there has one. If you do build this mod for people who enjoy not having a marker (you can disable them), who enjoy using their brains to figure things out and do a little detective work, that's great - just make sure that it's clearly delineated in the readme. You'll lose most of the "where do I go next?" crowd, but I think people are more appreciative of a well-made mod, no matter the audience. Just don't go too obscure.

JR Tolkien is the death of this kind of interpretation. Orcs are real, Ents are real, the ring is real. In the Arabian Nights epic turning invisible was a symbol of transcending the self -seeing though one's own desires and fears. In LotR it is only becoming unseen. He and most of the other fantasy writers of the last 100 years killed allegory. Flattening 2000 years of myth and allegory down to level 1-2 interpretation and contributing to the idea that all these stories are just childish fantasies. All it took then was Gygax to add math and the modern D&D nerd was born.
No offense, but this is a game. It's meant to entertain. If I want to look for deeper meanings, I'll read Jane Austen. I have an English degree, but I hated Interp Lit in college. Maybe it's because I tend to take things at face value. *shrug*
I guess that is my main point. If you change the level of hints to match a different level of interpretation then let people know. Maybe even give multiple hints. Or even use the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6406 mod as an example - with this mod you could turn the hints and arrows off.
Good point, that. I agree fully.