A Scoped Explosive Rifle! :gun:
Something like an Anti-Tank rifle, not exactly like an ATR, just something similar.
It'd be a rifle that fires explosives. Not the Grenade Machine gun!
I mean, during LR you would have to rummage through buildings and stuff to find the parts and construct it, but when you do find the parts you'll need a repair skill of 80 to actually build it. The parts will be Old World gun parts and bits and bobs. The actual schematics will could be found or part of a quest mid DLC. Although it'd be nice to see the title: "Set Up Us The bomb!" Related to it, maybe it's the quest?
Name: Tank Buster (?Not sure about the name though, as it's a constructed weapon & I doubt the Courier has heard of/seen a tank?)
Weight: 11-15 (Because it's made from some light parts, and some heavy parts)
Explosives req: 50/75?
Strength req: 8? (Some of the parts make the rifle quite heavy)
HP: 100-125? (Because it's made from actual gun parts and only the best of Repair-men/women can create it using their technical know-how, they know the best ways to make it tough!)
It'd need to be something cool for explosives experts, I mean they don't have much other than Mercy/Thump-Thump.
The weapon shouldn't be something any character can pick up and master, it'd need to be for an expert, ya know.
It'd fire one grenade at a time though. And have a low DPS because of this, but in terms of damage maybe around the 120 mark? :shrug:
As for ammoo( :cheat: ) she could fire 25mm or 40mm grenades, or even a new type of grenade.
It's just an idea, any suggestions, improvements and general feedback'll be gladly received. :yes: