Would you be interested in a phpBB RP game?

Post » Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:20 pm

Hi everyone,

I've been missing the old days of playing certain characters (poorly) on sites like SimRTK, essentially games where you roleplay characters on phpBB sites using some game-like elements.

I've been working on something and would like to know if anyone is interested?

I've attached two documents which explain the levelling system I have in mind and the Battle System (mechanics not worked out just yet).

Both excel sheets, hope this isnt against the rules.



I've seen a few RP threads here, but not many have game mechanics that I can see which require GameMasters and what not. I guess thats where the difference kicks in?

I apologize in advance for giving two bare systems, really need to work on them more, but hoping it'd give you an idea of what kind of game I'd like to work on. No point in me continuing further if no one's gonna play.

And as a heads up, I'd recommend actually downloading since the GoogleDrive excel thing is a little messed. And yes, that map is rubbish, it's just to give an idea of what they'd be like.

Please tell me if this makes no sense whatsoever.

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:47 am

Found one called 'The Wastes' so no point in me continuing this (plus no answers :P ).

Can someone lock this thread?

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Kelly James
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