Land Lords!
This is set after oblivion and assassins have killed the new emperor and yet again all possible airs.
Now the counts are fighting for land trying to take over! You can pick a side. Chedinhal is most powerful and Anvil the least. All the rest are in between but a group of bandits who call them selves the Cave People want power and are planning to kill all the counts!
I'm sorry man, but I think i've seen this RP idea done at least a hundred times. There is nothing to set it apart from the crowd man. I could probably predict the whole plot before it even ended, just by playing Oblivion.
And the grammar... ouch. Really, It seems like you put no thought into this. You just thought of an idea and then threw it out there. And why should I fear the cav people? I have no reason. As far as I know they are common thugs who want the counts dead. Thats what we have the guards for.
And I told you the plot people start to die!
I'm not going to give the whole story away am I!
I'm sorry comrade, but the fact people die in your RP doesn't set it apart from the hundreds of other RP's here
Oh as Iain said you MUST read Illusionary's guide. It is there for a reason, not for nothing (hehe, get the pun?

. Trust me you'd be suprised at how much better you'll be when you carefully read it. I bet a lot of RPers here wouldn't be as good as they are without it.
So yeah, alongside reading the guide, go back to the drawing board and try and improve this somewhat.
Hah! I got the Pun!
But, Yes comrade, Illusionaries guide is basically the golden book of RPing. Reading it not only immensley helped me, it helps many others. In fact, every time I host a new RP, I provide a link to it and ask everyone who hasn't read it to read it before RPing.
And as for going back to the drawing board, here is what I reccomend doing. Open microsoft word and start typing up a rough draft for your RP. It should equal about at least a page worth of information for a good RP. And it should take you a while to do also. The recent Rough Draft for a backstory I did was 3 1/2 pages long and took me 3 days to do. Im not saying it has to be 3 1/2 pages, thats atually pretty long for an RP idea, but still, make it at least a page. Even then, my 3 1/2 page RP backstory still needs some editing
Then open up the RP recruitment thread with the rough draft and see whos interested. Ask for what people think about it also, thier advice is critical. If you listen and make edits to your rough draft and add the edits into a final draft, then ask for character sheets to be pmed to you for your approval. Then the rp will be set.
Lastly, build up a bit of RP cred here on the fourms. Join some RP's (The Drunken Dragon Inn does not count) and show people you are good at RPing. If you do this, they will be willing to join your RP.
So, follow my advice and you should be good comrade. En Taro Adun!