Even when the Imperial Guard was relegated to a secondary standing, in place of the Chancellor's Militia, people murmured but were not terribly alarmed. In retrospect, Ocato's plan was plain as day...but nobody saw it...at least, not until it was too late.
On the second anniversary of Mehrune Dagon's defeat, Ocato had himself crowned emperor in the Imperial Palace. All but a few of the Elder Council -- those who could not be bribed -- were noticeably absent for the event, and not seen again after that day. Ocato's planning had been thorough, and he immediately activated his network of spies and thugs. "Traitors" were reported to the Chancellor's Militia -- now the Emperor's Militia -- by neighbors and friends, and hauled off the dungeons -- or worse. Dissent was utterly squashed. Any and all protest was met with instant, harsh retribution by the Militia. Many, including most of the high ranking Imperial Guard, were executed as rebels and traitors to the empire. The Blades were all but exterminated, with the few remaining soldiers fleeing into the mountains and swamps. Even the Champion disappeared, but whether that was by Ocato's hand or his own design is uncertain.
Cyrodiil is a land of fear and unease, outwardly subdued by Ocato's brutality, but inwardly festering with secret resentment and an unspoken longing for justice. Yet no one can trust his brother, and so Ocato remains in power...for now.
Rumor has it that the Champion has returned to Cyrodiil. If the rumor is true, the Champion is about to become the most sought after person in the empire -- sought after by Ocato, who will surely want him dead, and sought after by all those who have been driven from their homes and are seeking justice.
You are: Anyone you want to be. You can be one of Ocato's close associates; a high-ranking political ally or enemy; an outlawed Guard or Blade; a disaffected citizen or adventurer; a member of the Chancellor's Militia; or one of the spies*. You can work for Ocato or against Ocato, and you can change your mind as you go. You can seek out the Champion to join forces with him, or you can hunt the Champion to kill him. There will be characters controlled by me (including Ocato and the Champion, as well as some spies and heroes), in addition to your characters.
* If you want to work as a spy, PM me! No one else will know that you're a spy, unless they can figure it out. I will assume during RP'ing, unless you PM me and specifically state that your character is *not* sharing specific information with the authorities, that anything you learn is known by the proper persons in Ocato's faction. I will, however, act carefully with this info, so that I don't give away that you're a spy. In other words, if your character is privy to a conspiracy or a piece of information, but you *don't* want to report the conspiracy or information to Ocato's faction, let me know, and it will remain secret (unless another spy also has this info, and has chosen to reveal it).
So, do you like the idea? Think it could stand for improvement (PLEASE let me know how!)? Think you'd be interested in joining (maybe with the changes you've suggested)?
EDIT: If you'd to post your character sheet, feel free to do so. Also, regarding guilds and whatnot, if you'd like a specific position, PM me and we'll see what we can work out. And, of course, if you'd like to be a spy or a double agent, PM me. Depending on the response I get, we can get the main thread up some time tomorrow or Thursday.
Character sheets should include most of the following:
Your loyalty lies with (Emperor*, Champion, or Undecided):
Please, no uber characters.

* You don't have to indicate your true loyalty if you're a spy!