would you like acrobatics to do more than alter your ability

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:35 am

So if you want to climb up an old, 'handholdy' church: When you walk up to the base of the church (presuming that your climbing skill is very high) your will get the option to switch into climbing mode. In climbing mode players will not be able to use weapons, potions, spells, etc. Instead the player will use the right and left mouse button for each of the MC's hands in game. The player will aim at where they see a handhold and use the left and right mouse buttons to determine which hand to use in order to scale the building. For example, if you are mid-climb and see a series of handholds to your left, but none to your right, you obviously want to go to your left, right? XD So you grab the nearest handhold(which is to your left) with your RIGHT hand, to give you momentum to reach the other handholds. You follow?

That makes sense, but whether it should be done depends on how much people want to make a minigame out of it. It could be a simple as go to wall, climb the wall. I happen to like your idea, though I'd want multiple paths up.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:03 am

So if you want to climb up an old, 'handholdy' church: When you walk up to the base of the church (presuming that your climbing skill is very high) your will get the option to switch into climbing mode. In climbing mode players will not be able to use weapons, potions, spells, etc. Instead the player will use the right and left mouse button for each of the MC's hands in game. The player will aim at where they see a handhold and use the left and right mouse buttons to determine which hand to use in order to scale the building. For example, if you are mid-climb and see a series of handholds to your left, but none to your right, you obviously want to go to your left, right? XD So you grab the nearest handhold(which is to your left) with your RIGHT hand, to give you momentum to reach the other handholds. You follow?

That would be a rather immersive system. Maybe it's the better idea, but I'm not sure. I was just thinking along basic lines, like automatic based on the direction you're supposed to be moving, and I'm not sure you should be able to do that sort of level of climbing.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:33 am

This thread spawned an idea. Check out my thread "A Revelation in Skill Majors". It has to do with this, acrobatics. So, I totally agree for having amazing acrobatics skills, but only to a degree. Check my thread out for what I mean, if you care to that is: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1151620-a-revelation-in-skill-majors/
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:54 am

That would be a rather immersive system. Maybe it's the better idea, but I'm not sure. I was just thinking along basic lines, like automatic based on the direction you're supposed to be moving, and I'm not sure you should be able to do that sort of level of climbing.

Since I want levitation back, I certainly want that level of wall climbing as well. Mages should not be the only ones who have fun.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:13 pm

They should make it more useful for combat or exploration (say climbing up ledges) but give a penalty depending on what kind of armour the player is wearing - eg light armous has no penalty, but heavy armour has a large penalty.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:21 am

Parkour FTW! Rock climb as nimbly as a mountain goat! Rooftop chases! Crazy off-the-wall brawls!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:06 am

It would be awesome if it would range from Oblivion to Mirror's Edge/Assassin's Creed.

100 acrobatics, athletics, climbing, agility, speed, endurance, strength = Mirror's Edge/Assassin's Creed (and getting 100 points in a skill would be more difficult to achieve than it is in Morrowind and Oblivion).

I hope they don't have perks like Oblivion like: X skill in acrobatics = Wall jump. You can try everything from the start but you will probably fail and in the most extreme cases kill yourself (don't try to jump from a rooftop to another, distant rooftop if you are slow and non-athletic, you will fall). And there isn't a point where you suddenly can do something if it was completely impossible before.

Multiple skills and attributes should play a role, some more than others. You need strength to pull your self up while climbing, endurance and athletics to keep on going, speed to get enough momentum for a long jump and your agility is key to some tricks, but they are useless without the right skills. The attributes and athletics skill determine if your body is physically able to do a certain thing, your climbing and acrobatics skill determine if you will do it right.

I really hope they will put something like this in Skyrim, it would make playing a thief, assassin or acrobat much more interesting.

This is my Wish for the game!!!
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:16 am

So if you want to climb up an old, 'handholdy' church: When you walk up to the base of the church (presuming that your climbing skill is very high) your will get the option to switch into climbing mode. In climbing mode players will not be able to use weapons, potions, spells, etc. Instead the player will use the right and left mouse button for each of the MC's hands in game. The player will aim at where they see a handhold and use the left and right mouse buttons to determine which hand to use in order to scale the building. For example, if you are mid-climb and see a series of handholds to your left, but none to your right, you obviously want to go to your left, right? XD So you grab the nearest handhold(which is to your left) with your RIGHT hand, to give you momentum to reach the other handholds. You follow?

No. It should be a skill, not a minigame. Oblivion had too many minigames as it was.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:01 am

i doubt it will be anything like mirrors edge, they'd have to redesign every city just to take advantage of one skill and we aren't really playing in "parkour" city scapes.

again i'd only want minor additions,

-Very long jumps that require massive fatigue. Requires extended holding down of jump-key and a high Acrobatics skill.
-Doing a jump off of a wall. Requires you to jump against a wall, press jump again once you are near it to gain more air. No double jumping without a wall, thats silly. Allows you to reach balconies, etc.
-Sliding, mostly for combat purposes. After running press shift, sends you into a short slide which can knock down 1 opponent if you hit into them. Uses high fatigue.

I doubt climbing walls, flips, summersaults, etc. will be in the game - doesn't fit.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 pm

Climbing? Bethesda can't even do ladders dude.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

Climbing? Bethesda can't even do ladders dude.

You are talking about five years ago, and the game wont be out until the end of the next year, so you never know
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:27 am

I do want back flips, so i agree with most of the list. I didnt vote because i didnt like the acrobatics in any of those games listed. I would like something a little showy I mean its a game and my archer should be agile.
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