Would you like to create a guild

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:29 am

Hello, i am about 50% through creating an epic mod involving a new house, the ability to build a guild from scratch, go on missions with your guildies and maybe even attack IC as a guild! I would like to see how many people would like this.

About creating a new guild: You will be able to change out the furnishings, lighting, companion gear, and ( if i can manage it - i think i can ) Get guild specific quests and missions that YOU specify. I think i have a system for identifying a hit target and sending an assasin after that person even.

All this is surprisingly simple, I'm surprised no one has thought of it.

EDIT: Also, the way you customize your guild decor is in sets- Wall+Ceiling, Floor, Lighting systems.
Im making "themes that apply in those three catagories, like Lower class, Necromancy, Upper Class ETC. You can mix and match the three categories ( Wall, floor ETC ) and the armor for your npcs and creatures for your duengeons.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:48 pm

Hello, i am about 50% through creating an epic mod involving a new house, the ability to build a guild from scratch, go on missions with your guildies and maybe even attack IC as a guild! I would like to see how many people would like this.

A guild from scratch sounds great, once you control a guild there is very little that you can do with it. I hope that this guild will allow you to change things in it even once you have finished expanding as it were.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:38 am

I would love to be able to do this. Being able to add more parts to the guild and choose who you recruit would be pretty cool also.

You might want to check out http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8798 for some ideas. It's not as ambitious as what you're trying to do, but it has the same basic idea and is a really good mod IMO.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:32 am

A guild from scratch sounds great, once you control a guild there is very little that you can do with it. I hope that this guild will allow you to change things in it even once you have finished expanding as it were.

I agree with you. This could be used to create an "Imperial Deputy Marshall" faction/guild, because when the player has finished the "A Brotherhood Betrayed" quest in Bruma and after that you have killed Raynil Dralas the Bruma Guard Captain said "...you should join the Imperial Legion".

Since then I was curios if such mod could be made and now there is one. :thumbsup:

So why not, I'm also offering my help to do some beta testing and I voted yes. :user:
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:05 pm

I love your concept! This is going to make an unendable game even more unendable...I love it!
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:50 pm

Would it be possible for recruits to request joining in a similar way as Knights of the Nine? Coming and requesting, and you can turn them away.
Maybe if it were resonable for the active NPC recruits to be randomly selected from a stock supply? That would mean that each time you made a guild it wouldn't just be the same personalities under the same banner.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:41 pm

in my idea, I want to see mercenary(give other name) guild just like fighters guild but it not just be in legal, have a base in some regions take job in that area, have many type of job to do like clear the cave, protect client, assault target or collect item etc.You can take the job on your own or just give it to your guild member(maybe failed or lost some member), in every job you take will affect to your fame or infamy of your guild, if you only take the legal job people will like you more fame more job or maybe they will give you a big job great profit but if take illegal job they will give you more profit and easy than legal job but good people will don't like and imperial legion will keep their eye on your guild.
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