» Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 am
I voted 'outside the US' mostly because the whole country bores me to tears and there is so much untouched gold nuggets elsewhere in the world that would be completely awesome to see in this type of game. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. doesn't count, because most of that was just a big open field with little to no special architecture or depth taken advantage of.
I'd love to see:
I would add I am not from any of these places. The reasons I want to see places like this in Fallout, is:
What would you feel like if you could explore the repercussions of nuclear war in the very cradle of western civilization, Athens? How would Venice, the "floating city" fare, in it' already fragile state - would it become the next Atlantis? Stuff like this make great games. A depth far greater than standards allow exist in these places. In my opinion, scenery, culture, history and people are crucial for creating a special atmosphere. What would Bioshock be if it played out in Dallas, US?
The USA has very few places that have all these 4, but some have certain ones:
-Houston: History, People
-Wash. DC: Scenery, History
-Seattle: Scenery
-Boston: Culture, History
-Miami, L.A. : uhm?
The two places that seem appropriate for Fallout which haven't been covered is in my opinion Denver and Anchorage. Denver seems very Fallouty already (sorry if I offend anyone) and has lots of strange history and even some culture and lots of different types of people. Anchorage would be a breath of fresh air because Alaska is so far off from the centre of the plot, yet so important to it.