» Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:24 am
From my old Ideas and Improvements regarding Large Cities doc:
5f. In late-night taverns, gambling should be a constant presence, something the player should be able to engage in. While I’m not a fan of mini-games, the ability to gamble seems a worthy inclusion. When it comes down to it, betting in the arena did nothing for me, and the “game of shells” in the Winged Guar in Tribunal was similarly limited. I’m looking for two or three different games, and they should be along the level of complexity of pazaak in KotOR, or caravan in FONV. It should be something the player could honestly invest money in, something that requires a bit of skill, as well as a bit of luck (which, by the way, could add whole new elements behind the Luck attribute). It should also be something by which the player could win or lose quite a bit of money in. It should also have economy-friendly limits, so that the player could not bottomlessly milk gambling to amass an immediate fortune. Opponent NPCs should be able to gamble only they money that they possess. Overall, there could be one or two serious games, as well as a few chance games (i.e. shells). Furthermore, it might be possible that a dealer/NPC might be cheating, adding a whole new complexity to things.
So pretty much a game like Caravan, maybe some shells, a unique dice game, etc.