Could I survive? As a Human? Well if I don't get blasted and die of cancer or a mutation by radiation...I'd say...
- I know how to shoot a pistol with somewhat good accuracy and a hunting rifle with pretty good accuracy.
- I know many hunting tricks in text book knowledge and actually have set traps before.
- Decent survival knowledge, I can gather water, find food, etc.
- Good with I WON'T get shot by the bartender for not paying my bill.
- I have a stockpile of Coke at my house so I'll be fine for a couple weeks in terms of money.

- Don't care when killing animals, whether it be hunting or dissecting.
- Somewhat fast runner.
- Fast reflexes.
As for weaknesses
- I believe all humans are equal so I can't imagine myself killing humans.
- I'm a bit of a picky eater.
- Unless there's nothing around, the day I eat raw meat is the day I die.
- Not very in I can't hold a MIRV.
- Cannibalism = Bad
- I doubt I'll be as good as a shot I am at the range if I'm under fire.
- Slow firing speed. I always get the target but it takes time for me to fire.
And there you go. You decide if I can survive or not.