I would adore it there was hooded capes, walking through a little village or town, with my cape dragging behind me, covering my kick-ass armor. :intergalactic:
If they do have capes, I hope they don't clip to your character though; they should be flowing capes. I won't really mind if it does clip, but it just looks quite bad.
If they do have capes, I hope they don't clip to your character though; they should be flowing capes. I won't really mind if it does clip, but it just looks quite bad.
Yes it's require clothing physic who probably not is in then we look at the trailer
Yes it's require clothing physic who probably not is in then we look at the trailer
Eh I have used a couple cape mods in Oblivion and it looks fine. It may clip slightly but not enough to look terrible. Cloth physics would be neat though.
Yes! Capes are such small things that add so much RP flavor! I never go anywhere without my Oblivion capes I carry two, one with a hood and one without a hood ... rain or shine, i'm covered ^^
What is a battle skirt? If our clothing will move in the wind, then capes would be a great way of showing how well BGS has done it, however if our clothing will not move in the wind, the capes will feel like stiff planks on our back.
Capes would be cool, but only if they move realisticly with the actions you do. And to do that it'll require quite a bit of programming. I've seen fairly nice cape emotes in Assassins's creed 2 brotherhood (horse riding svcked though). If they could implemente a cape movement system which was better than AC2 Brotherhood then i'd vote yes, otherwise it would only bother me.
In the trailer you can see someone wearing a long cloth going from the waist down to past the knees.
What is interesting is that he is walking. I did notice that the cloth looks to be rigged to it's own bone chain, ie it is not rigged to the leg bones, like what Ob would do with robes and such.
Basically i think there are some new bones down there to rig to. This means it'll handle those long coats and robes much nicer on screen. capes could be much better looking is what that means. but won't be perfect i expect. depends on the bones. ideally cloth phsyics would be much nicer, but the rigs get very complex..
It doesn't bother me really as long as they look good I see no reason not to put them in. http://greywolf.critter.net/images/ad&d/clipart/cloak-fur.jpg Something like that could be good. Its got a Nordic Feel to it, Basic and warm.
If they do have capes, I hope they don't clip to your character though; they should be flowing capes. I won't really mind if it does clip, but it just looks quite bad.
I don't think that would be a problem to make! Batman's cape in Arkham Asylum was so great, and since Skyrim is being made in a new engine, we just might see flowing capes!
It doesn't bother me really as long as they look good I see no reason not to put them in. http://greywolf.critter.net/images/ad&d/clipart/cloak-fur.jpg Something like that could be good. Its got a Nordic Feel to it, Basic and warm.
This. Since Skyrim is a harsh, snowy environment, you'd need a big warm cloak to keep you shielded from the cold.