Oblvion didn't have any such system, however the more recent Fall out New Vegas includes a system for drinking water in their hardcoe mode. Even have canteens which you can refill from a water source.
So, would you like to see a similar system in TES V for both food and drink? IT would logically be an optional thing, such as the hardcoe mode in Fallout NV.
Food could be bought from people in the towns/cities, or gathered by hunting wildlife (and having the skill to skin/obtain meat). Then you could cook it over a fire (Think of how Gothic/Arx Fatalis did it).
Water could use a canteen/pouch sytstem. Which various sizes you can acquire and then over-time your character automatically drinks from it like in Fallout NV, however it can become empty and in that case you would need to refill it from a water source such as a river.
If you go for so long without eating/drinkig over=time it affects your stats in a - way until you drink/eat again, hwoever it has to be scaled so it's not too harsh too quickly, rather a small decline over time. If ignored for too long (to the point you could have eaisly made your way to a river or city ro get something) it can be quite harsh to, so it has an impact).
What are your thoughts/idea's on this? Something you'd enjoy or not?