» Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:46 am
Here's just a couple ideas, just to give an example of how it could be done:
Altmer - Keep them as they are, they're fine and already balanced
Bosmer - Bonus to running speed and/or firing speed with marksman, swings slower with two handed weapons
Argonian - Keep as-is, though perhaps a frost weakness would feel fitting...
Breton - Minor magicka bonus (more than everyone else but less than Altmer), no other bonuses besides this
Dunmer - Keep as is, offering an all around well-balanced race.
Imperial - Keep as-is: no strengths and no weaknesses, aside from Voice of the Emperor being useful in unlocking quests (helps the player bypass meeting other requirements to obtain quests)
Khajiit - Increased running speed and jump height. Suffers from a 50% weakness to all poison, disease and negative alchemical effects (for example, where a poison might remove 20 agility for an imperial for 20 seconds, the Khajiit loses 40)
Nord - Keep as-is. Frost resistance and Woad, nothing more. No major strengths and no major weaknesses, offering a balanced warrior race.
Redguard - Can swing swords faster, slight running speed increase, takes twice as long to cast spells
Orc - Has minor magic resistance (30%-50%) and swings axes slightly faster (15%), has a constant +5% damage resistance, runs slower (10-20%) than other races
It's not perfect, but just a rough idea. This way, we have 5 classes that offer noticeable benefits and weaknesses whereas another 5 remain very bland, letting players build them up as they please, with a bland race in every gameplay style (Combat, Magic and stealth).