This came up in another thread that, if you think about it, the Altmer are the ONLY race that has a racial weakness; every other race gets nothing but a benefit. Some races have benefits that are far more useful than others (Bretons get extra magicka, magic resistance AND Dragonskin, whereas Nords only get a blegh frost spell and Woad, Orcs only get berserk and minor magic resistance, and Khajiit just get a crappy night vision that almost anyone can learn), but only the Altmer explore the idea of a race having a weakness. Personally, I find the Altmer to be one of the more interesting classes to play for this very reason: if I play an Altmer, I'll have no trouble casting any spell I please, but I better come up with a plan to take out other mages. I'm incredibly strong against thieves and warriors (though enchantments could even the playing field), but one wrong move could mean death against my fellow mages. And should I horde a lot of good gear, I can eventually nullify my weakness and become extremely strong.
Wouldn't it be more interesting if most of the races had a benefit and a weakness? Say for instance, what if Orcs had 50% magic resistance, but they were 10%-20% slower than other races when it came to running speed. Or what if Redguards could swing their weaponry 25% faster than other races, but they suffered from an equal increase in how long it takes them to cast a spell? Meanwhile we could still provide people with races that suffered from no weaknesses but had very minor benefits for those who didn't want a dramatic weakness and strength, such as Imperials and Khajiit, but the more dramatic strengths and weaknesses for, say 6 of the 10 races, would add to the diversity of the game, making every playthrough feel much different.
Sound like a good idea or do most people not want something like this?