Of course, I just meant which game's features would you like to see have a greater influence on Skyrim, as it is sure to be influenced by its predecessors.
I think they both have their strengths and weaknesses. I think Oblivion's sidequests were better. Going shopping for 8 things of some ingrediant for the Telvani house wasn't my idea of a good quest.
I imagine with the new stealth features they're bringing into Skyrim the Morag Tong/Dark Brotherhood/"Whatever the new assassins guild is" quests will be a lot better.
I think morrowind had good parts and bad parts, so did Oblivion. Like a lot of people I want Skyrim to be it's own game, learning from what worked and what didn't work in its predecessors. I imagine Bethesda is doing just that - taking feedback and trying to make Skryim it's own game with good parts from previous games and without the bad parts of previous games.