As Marss said, if it's a choice between revisiting someplace where we've already been and tapped out for over a decade, or getting a new culture. plotline, and province to explore for the first time, there's no contest in my mind.
If a remake or remaster ends up "updating" all of the things I liked about the old games, and substitutes new game mechanics and "features" that I hate, why would I buy it? I've already done the plotline, I've already seen the province, I've already gotten to know and at least partly understand the culture. Cut down the dialog to 10% of the old game by using fully voiced dialog? Remove half of the options and choices? Take away the chance of failure and make it pointless to improve? Remove half of the spells and half of the equipment to focus on better graphics for the little that's left? No reasons to buy, lots of reasons to ignore.