The Romans got along 'fairly well' too, but you didn't see them going "hey guys, we've got it so sweet here. Only 60% of women die in childbirth! Let's never invent anything ever again!"
That might be because the 60% bit was pulled out of "nowhere" :hubbahubba:, but also because it would be unfathomably stupid for humanity as a whole to think that they had it pretty cool so no reason trying to - you know - progress.
Pull me out a statistic of high death of childbithrting wemens, POX death, in the TES series with healing magic and i ll side with you. But i want real numbers, the names of the people doing the statistics, the names of the interviewed, people, race, age, what kind of math you did to chose the number of interviewed people to be fairly representative of the population and so on, something really serious you know..
- No use, he doesn t understand the concept...