» Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:47 am
Absolutely not. Skyrim is a game that lets you be who you want to be, Todd said so himself. Introducing a 'childhood' section would restrict the number of possible roleplays we can create. We wouldn't be able to be 'man with depressive childhood' or 'human girl raised by argonians', or my character 'half-nymph raised by Breton priest, abducted by vampire clan, stolen from vampire clan by elder vampire, thrown in jail when kidnapper slain'.
Other invalidated roleplays 'girl raised by wolves', 'parents eaten by wolves', 'orphan adopted by Dark Brotherhood, 'child thief', 'never actually a child because I'm a Daedra'.
And a final, important one: 'my character was still alive during the Oblivion crisis and therefore would not magically relive childhood during the events of Skyrim'.
I see it as an excuse for being lazy if you want the game to decide everything about your character for you, including their past.