Why would being a criminal between 1910-1970 be any different from being a criminal between 1971-2011?
You wanna be bad ass go out there a steal a car, sell drugs and get over on people, do it. I don't think the way things have been romanticized in the media should carry much weight.
Most of those "cool" gangsters were likely sociopaths and mass murdering hit men. But anti-heroes have their own strange charisma I guess
Bonnie and clyde were cool. :disguise:
I have a problem with Bonnie and Clyde,
everyone loves them because they were a very loyal, loving couple and cared a lot
for themselves
the only person Clyde would ever sacrifice himself for would've been Bonnie and vise-versa. Outside of each other, they were incredibly violent, murderous, brutal, cold-hearted thieves. They did not care for anyone, they were not Robin Woods, they didn't care at all for the common man, they'd shoot you if you got in their way regardless of your status in life.
Same goes for John Dillinger, Now, granted, he's maybe one rung above Bonnie and Clyde as he did feel sympathy for the common man and only robbed banks he knew were corrupt and even then, only the money in the vaults, he'd never rob the actual workers. But still, he was a murderous cold-hearted thief when things truly went south and as such is just as much a criminal.
it's called romanticism folks