So how many of you would do something like this? Leave comments and opinions please and if anyone knows a good fast way to raise my conjuration skill I would be grateful for any tips.
I will do anything, if I feel it serves my character.
I've done it. If it fits in with the character and role-play, go right ahead!
As long as it is part of my characters background or history. I really miss the ability to make those sort of cheaty spells that you could cast over and over to train skills. I used to do this in Morrowind and Oblivion but I usually would restrict it to something like Destruction so I would have to use up a bit more to achieve the desired level.
Do whatever you feel comfortable doing with your character.
This is why i prefer the old class system better then skyrim's.
The were major and minor skills. Even if your major skills were low at the beginning of the game, they were still better then the other skills. The game actually distinguished them as skills you actually use.