In Morrowind, you, the player, could fail to complete a quest, because, you, the player, didn't have the skill necessary to beat the game. Either because you didn't have the patience or time to complete it or because you didn't have the intelligence to follow the clues carefully laid within the game.
If I had to take an hour to find a location, the game has failed to give good directions. That's fake difficulty. If my character is suppose to know where it is, then it should be on the map. The game doesn't actually start until I actually get to the cave/dungeon. To actually survive the dungeon is the work, not getting lost for no good reason.
Have you even played Morrowind mate?
My character wasn't supposed to know where it is, so it wasn't supposed to be easily found. In practice, solving the riddle is incredibly easy. I was just a complete idiot.
It took me an hour to find the location because I misinterpreted the good directions, set off on the wrong track, realized my error, headed off in the right direction, found the wrong pointy rock and spent a long time searching around it until I gave up in frustration. Then I found the cavern, when I wasn't looking for it.
And surviving any dungeon in Oblivion doesn't involve any work. Just a mouse, a good weapon and a decent stock of health potions. The quests don't involve any work on the players part - you know to follow the arrow. A brain-dead imbecile could finish practically every quest in Oblivion knowing just to seek out the quest marker and make the appropriate action.