It does seem like a biased poll :shrug:
I chose the first option but I'm not sure yet if I won't have much personal choice. Don't know enough about the smithing system yet, so that's why I think it sounds a bit biased.
I chose the first option but I'm not sure yet if I won't have much personal choice. Don't know enough about the smithing system yet, so that's why I think it sounds a bit biased.
I shaped both questions around exactly what Bethesda has said would have been the result of either design choice. There is no bias.
This poll is supposed to be about asking everyone which way they would have handled armor in Skyrim if they were in Bethesda's shoes and had to decide between what Bethesda said they had to decide between in the fan Q&A. No bias, just info/facts stated directly by Bethesda.