Would you rather have a larger number of more detailed armor

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:12 am

I liked separate armour pieces for the same reason. It added to the feeling of trying to survive in an unforgiving wilderness - you have to make do with what you find. But, I also really only got that feeling in the early parts of the game. Once you get to a certain point, you're usually tough enough to survive, even if you don't have the best gear.

I know exactly what you mean and it's too bad the feeling only really exists at the beginning of any given game. Still, even when I start new characters, I like trying to put together my collection of beginning equipment. Getting a steel weapon and my first horse from Jauffre, buying some stuff from that Altmer in Seyda Neen, collecting some loot from Privateer's Hold, finding some of the armor/weaponry hidden in the Imperial Sewers by Jagar Tharn, saluaging some last minute weapons/armor from Vault 101... they've all amounted to a Bethesda tradition, for me. I have no doubt Skyrim will still have that, of course, but this one-piece armor piece is, mass-wise, 80%+ of one's total armor, alone. It feels too big for one armor piece.
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luke trodden
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:28 pm

Yes, and my laundry detergent said that it would make my colors brighter and my whites whiter.

If you don't believe in Bethesda, what are you doing here since 2009 and why did you post so much?

Stop acting like you know more than the devs. And this is for ALL THE CRYBABYS.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:46 pm

This doesn't bother me at all there are still more armor types and combinations than Fallout 3. Plus in most of the screenshots the top piece usually covers most of the grieves anyways. I would rather have more characters on the screen at once if there are a bunch of different armor types. I think in Fallout each character looked more unique because there are more outfits than oblivion, even if the armor was more customizable in Oblivion.
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An Lor
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:29 pm

Stop acting like you know more than the devs. And this is for ALL THE CRYBABYS.

Stop acting like every person that isn't drooling over Skyrim is a crybaby. And this is for ALL THE...CRYBABIES CRYING ABOUT...Crybabies??? :huh:
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:13 am

I comes as a disappointment, to find them combined, for what ever reason. Be it load times or disk space or what ever. My characters don't like to wear a Cuirass. That's out the window. It's going to be Gauntlets and Boots only, now.

Yes, she likes to kick it topless, thank you.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:29 pm

I comes as a disappointment, to find them combined, for what ever reason. Be it load times or disk space or what ever. My characters don't like to wear a Cuirass. That's out the window. It's going to be Gauntlets and Boots only, now.

Yes, she likes to kick it topless, thank you.

and maybe there's gonna be an armor that basically does an amazon style, with only greaves and a special bra or something. Hell, is was done in Fallout with some raider outfit

See? the problem is that people seem to assume that every armor will looks like http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/184/knight-armor_14664.jpg while there are obviously going to be sets that will look like http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_81bTJBazqw/ThCq_IVS9wI/AAAAAAAAAbE/BR2Fgi0hcWk/s1600/Amazon-female+warrior.jpg, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/37695-1-1290244701.jpg, or even http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/home/images/newsletter/2008_07/de_NPC_ArmourMerchant.jpg, which wouldn't be possible with seperate pieces
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:37 pm

and maybe there's gonna be an armor that basically does an amazon style, with only greaves and a special bra or something. Hell, is was done in Fallout with some raider outfit

I can dig it...That would be an option.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:33 pm

Mixing different styles of armour looked pretty daft imo so it really is nothing for me to complain about not been able to pick a top/bottom indivudually. Its like complaining that we can only choose 1 set of boots and not wear 1 leather boot with 1 iron boot. Hopefully all the armours do look good unlike most of oblivions awful ones.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:47 pm

Stop acting like every person that isn't drooling over Skyrim is a crybaby. And this is for ALL THE...CRYBABIES CRYING ABOUT...Crybabies??? :huh:

HaHa :celebration:

I thought to post something simliar but well you did it first. :goodjob:
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:28 am

Bias Poll
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:08 pm

Okay, so I've worked this out in my head and it makes sense logically. Now I just have to express it clearly(the hard part), so please bear with me.

Say we have an unchangeable armor set, X. It is not customizable at all. We assign this a uniqueness value of 1.0.
Then we take a full set of piecemeal steel armor comprised of 10 pieces(it's just easier to work with decimals) designated Y. This also has a uniqueness value of 1.0.
If we swap out one piece from Y, we get armor Z. However Z is 90% identical to Y. So in terms of uniqueness Z=(Y-0.9). Therefore armor Z's uniqueness value is 0.1.
So in this scenario, while you have twice as many armor sets with piecemeal, you only get a 10% increase in uniqueness.

I hope that made sense to everyone. I haven't fully applied this yet, but if someone wants to do all the number crunching feel free. I hate number crunching. Working with concepts is so much more fun.
The point of this "formula" is to find the ratio between complete and piecemeal armors where one outclasses the other in uniqueness.
My train of thought is about to get derailed so I'll end this now before I make even more confusing.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:37 pm


You people and your formulas. :ahhh: :wacko:
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:29 am

@ tsunami You lost me at Okay...
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:04 pm

You people and your formulas. :ahhh: :wacko:

Shush, that's how I think about the world sometimes.

You lost me at Okay...

This was bound to happen.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:23 pm

Seems like a biased poll/thread, but umm really it doesn't matter to me long as I can make my character look different and also since it's not an MMORPG the choices wouldn't matter far as customizing clothes.

When I mean look different I mean facial,size, and etc.

Definitely a biased thread.

For me, facial customization features means far more to me than armor does.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:42 pm

I am going to have to call them out on this decision. Better performance? Fallout 3 had even less item slots and it still lagged when there was more than 10 npcs fighting.

And for not having to do all that extra work, Fallout 3 didnt have that many more armor sets.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:41 pm

I'll definitely take more choices in total than mixing and matching pieces. One thing that bothered me in Oblivion was there there weren't a whole lot of heavy armor choices. Unless i wanted to wear armor of less quality. I think its a lot more freedom to have more choices of armor total, and being able to upgrade that armor through smithing, then for greaves to be a separate piece..
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:31 pm

Personally I think this is a choice born from working with limited resources. When you have on have so much, in order to squeeze out a little more in one area, you have to make sacrifices in another.

And judging for the pics we've seen so far, their "variety" consists of "with or without pauldron A" and similar such stuff. Not exactly groundbreaking or special. Especially it's only those variations they choose to give you.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:11 pm

I am going to have to call them out on this decision. Better performance? Fallout 3 had even less item slots and it still lagged when there was more than 10 npcs fighting.

And for not having to do all that extra work, Fallout 3 didnt have that many more armor sets.

I agree with the first part.

But having armor sets be few and far between makes sense in a nuclear holocaust, not so much in Skyrim.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:29 pm

Okay, so I've worked this out in my head and it makes sense logically. Now I just have to express it clearly(the hard part), so please bear with me.

Say we have an unchangeable armor set, X. It is not customizable at all. We assign this a uniqueness value of 1.0.
Then we take a full set of piecemeal steel armor comprised of 10 pieces(it's just easier to work with decimals) designated Y. This also has a uniqueness value of 1.0.
If we swap out one piece from Y, we get armor Z. However Z is 90% identical to Y. So in terms of uniqueness Z=(Y-0.9). Therefore armor Z's uniqueness value is 0.1.
So in this scenario, while you have twice as many armor sets with piecemeal, you only get a 10% increase in uniqueness.

That's an interesting way of doing it. The way that Gpstr and I did it earlier in the thread was to just treat each different total combination of equipped armour as equal. For example, take a complete set of steel armour. In Oblivion, this is Cuirass, Greaves, Boots, Gauntlets, Helmet. That's one combination. Now swap out the Steel Greaves for Leather Greaves. That's another combination. So we've got 2 combinations. We treat each combination equally, even though the second one only involve a minor change from the first (just changing the greaves).

What you are suggesting is some sort of weighting on how similar some combinations are to others. The problem is that it is not entirely clear how to do this in a completely above board way. What is the correct weighting? You've suggested that the similarity between two combinations is 1 - X/10, where X is the number of different pieces, and 10 is the total number of equipable armour slots. But you might think that some armour slots deserve greater weight. For instance, perhaps a cuirass should get more weight than gauntlets.

Another worry about how to do the weighting is not how to weight individual pieces against each other, but rather with the idea that it is only armour combinations with no pieces in common that are complete dissimilar. In one respect that is obviously true, but it's worth keeping in mind that the importance of similarity in this discussion is as something of a placeholder for customisation potential. The thrust of your proposal, I take it, is that we add up all the uniqueness, or the dissimilarity, and this tells us something about the total amount of customisation potential offered by Skyrim. But you might think that armour combinations which have some pieces in common are just as unique (in the relevant sense of customisation-making) as armour combinations which no pieces in common. This is a consideration in favour of treating all combinations as equal (as Gpstr and I did).
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John Moore
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:48 pm

wrong. you can have both. what todd ( I assume it was todd answering the fan questions... or the whole team agreed to what answers would be given, what ever) did was called sophistry, made an either or choice in a conversation. making it seem if it were not possible to have both options.

the FACT remains that morrowind had more armor pieces and MORE armor types (at least twice as much) as Oblivion. so the argument that they can either only have combined armor pieces for more wider range and number of armor concepts or less armor for more individual armor pieces for a set is invalid.

I don't understand why they even try to put out the idea that its not possible for them (or inconveniant) to put as much content into their games as they once did. so what if it takes more work, its their obligation to put out a higher quality piece of work instead of one that has the distribution of content mixed around so that each game feels like its own game rather than a game that out contents the previous titles.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:59 pm

Larger number, more variety, more detailed armor sets, and more NPCs on screen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separated chest/legs.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:51 pm

No. Just no. You are missing the point entirely. Just because perks work DOES NOT mean EVERYTHING from Fallout works. Do you understand that? Perks work. Fallout style clothing does not. Confirmed by Pete. Don't let perks blind you to everything else please.

Posted 09 March 2011 - 03:06 PM

The ***** do you not understand in my first sentence? I said Perks aren't Strictly FO but they are going to use what works. especially what works in FO3/NV..... :facepalm: you know what if your not going to read and just reply to reply don't waste your energy.

We've Perks no? not inherent of strictly FO, but new to the series none the less.
I said.

I know they aren't making The Elders scrolls Fallout, duh he said that to brush off broadsides, but they are going to use what works. and single articles of clothing worked in FO3/NV, whats so hard to understand about that? especially since it would reduce Enchantment stacking.....The Elders scrolls with Fallout attributes.

we can do without your snide blind replies thank you.

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adam holden
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:47 pm

I would rather be able to play unarmoured as a pure mage but I don't think that option has been made available
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louise hamilton
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:08 pm

I would rather be able to play unarmoured as a pure mage but I don't think that option has been made available

Unless you can no longer enchant your robes with shield etc. I don't see how this option is gone....
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