would you rccomend it?

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:05 pm

ive been reallly wanting morrowind lately and was wondering if the Xbox version was compatible with Xbox 360, and would you reccomend it to me since i am a huge oblivion fan? ive seen some gameplay and it looks pretty fun...
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:05 pm

It's different in ways, but yes, I would strongly recommend the game, although if you have a PC capable of running it, I strongly recommend getting a PC version over an Xbox version.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:18 am

It's different in ways, but yes, I would strongly recommend the game, although if you have a PC capable of running it, I strongly recommend getting a PC version over an Xbox version.

so are you saying the Xbox version is compatable with Xbox 360? if not ill look up the system requirements for morrowind, but i only have a mini laptop that can barely run garrys mod, so i dont know about getting the pc version...
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:13 pm

so are you saying the Xbox version is compatable with Xbox 360? if not ill look up the system requirements for morrowind, but i only have a mini laptop that can barely run garrys mod, so i dont know about getting the pc version...

The Xbox version is compatible with the 360, as far as I know, but I've read it doesn't run very well on the 360, and the PC version has the benefit of mods.

On a separate note, the following link is also a good guide to explaining the differences of Morrowind to an Oblivion player:

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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:39 pm

Yes I recommend it highly, but like Seti18 said if you have a good computer then go for that instead of xbox. Visual mods will do the game so much more appealing and especially for someone coming from Oblivion. Plus of course there are a few more mods for it out there well worth it.

Edit: Make sure to get the GOTY
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:04 pm

I like the games for two different sets of reasons:

Morrowind: The politics, the greater faction variety, the nostalgia and despite being smaller it feels bigger.

Oblivion: Sleeker graphics and gameplay mechanics and I much prefer to be around Imperials than Dunmer.

But at their core I love both games for the same reason, they are huge intricately detailed and well thought-out game worlds of limitless possibilities. So yes I recommend it, plus it is so cheap these days you aren't losing much by giving it a shot anyways. I will add that politics is a HUGE part of Morrowind unlike Oblivion and factions have an even larger role in who likes you and who doesn't. The main quest of Morrowind and Tribunal are laden with politics and and intrigue. If you enjoy political intrigue as I do you will enjoy Morrowind a lot, if not maybe not so much.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:36 pm

Morrowind is for Oblivion players that are in to more than just the playthrough-style of playing games. It's really a role-playing game in the sense that you need to get into the game's world to understand what's going on, what you're doing, how you should go about doing it, etc. It doesn't give you a straight path to follow. No map markers, no fast travel. It makes you think, which some people don't really want to do while playing. :P

I love Morrowind to pieces, and I've loved it ever since the first time I ever played it. Morrowind was the first game that really got me excited about RPGs, or gaming in general. It's brilliant, imho.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:06 pm

Yes, I'd recommend giving Morrowind a try. It is different from Oblivion in some ways, yes, so you'll want to be prepared for a different experience. Is it a better one? Some will say yes, some will say no, you should try the game and decide for yourself. Being an old game, you could probably get Morrowind for a low price now, yet if you're pleased with the results, it will surely keep you occupied for much longer than most newer games that cost a lot more, and if, despite having liked Oblivion, you decide that Morrowind just isn't for you, then you'd still probably have spent much less than some purchased you've regretted. So instead of expecting others to tell you if you'll like it or not, my recommendation is to just buy it and make your own judgement on whether it's worth playing.

Although if you want my opinion on whether Morrowind was worth my money when I got it, I'd say yes, it definitely was.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:21 am

I would also recommend it. But then, you are asking this question in the Morrowind fora. The answers you receive will therefore be mostly if not entirely positive, seeing how the only people that frequent these fora are Morrowind fans.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:31 pm

Its a great game! i recommend it!.

I played the xbox version and just now started playing the PC version. i think its alot better on the PC but it was still a ton of fun on the xbox.

I know that morrowind runs on the xbox 360 but the GOTY version doesn't work on mine.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:23 pm

I know that morrowind runs on the xbox 360 but the GOTY version doesn't work on mine.

Other than it's loading working a little strange my GOTY has run fine on 360 so far.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:28 pm

The game is 8 years old so as long as your computer is younger than that, I think you'd be fine with the PC version. In general I think Morrowind is a lot less user-friendly, meaning it may take you some time to figure out how things work. My biggest complaint is the staticness of the NPCs. They don't move around like they do in Oblivion. Shops are open all day and night and the shop keepers (and most other NPCs) just stand in the same place 24/7. There are a few NPCs that move around a little but they're either walking back and forth on a predetermined path (like patrolling guards) or just walking around randomly within a predetermined area. The vanilla version CTDs all the time but you can fix that for the most part by downloading MCP and and other patch mods (I don't think this is as much of an issue on console but IDK.) Despite it's faults, it is about my favorite game all in all. I would recomend it. It's really cheap nowadays so even if you don't like it your not losing much by getting it.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:13 pm

The vanilla version CTDs all the time but you can fix that for the most part by downloading MCP and and other patch mods (I don't think this is as much of an issue on console but IDK.)

I've heard a lot of people say this, but I played Vanilla Morrowind for at least 2 years before downloading any mods - and I don't remember having problems with CTDs. My game has never really been laggy or crashy, even though it now sports well over 70 mods.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:07 am

I'm an Oblivion player who started playing Morrowind and I love it. If I were you, I'd ask about it in the Oblivion forums, since the people there are primrily Oblivion players like you, although they may just point you back here, or the mods could shut you down or something...
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:19 pm

I've heard a lot of people say this, but I played Vanilla Morrowind for at least 2 years before downloading any mods - and I don't remember having problems with CTDs. My game has never really been laggy or crashy, even though it now sports well over 70 mods.

It probably varies quite a bit depending on the computer your using. Individial computers can be very different even if they seem to be the same. I supose what I really meant when I say that is that it crashes more often than most other games. A lot of games, especial on consoles almost never crash unless there's an issue with the computer or theres a problem with compatability. Morrowind on the other hand crashes somewhat spontaniously. It's never much of an issue when it happens, all you have to do is restart the game but it's still a pain if you lose a lot of gameplay because you forgot to save. I guess quicksaving is a simple enough remedy to this. It also seems to happen really randomly. You can play for hours on end without any problem and the next time you load a game it could crash within minutes... or not at all. Maybe you're just really lucky. :D
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brandon frier
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:18 pm

Individial computers can be very different even if they seem to be the same.

I have found this out from personal experience. My other half, Brash, build our own computers. We build two, each with identical parts, right down to the cables: one for her and one for me. We build them side by side at the same time, on the same table. We install the same software on both. The result: her computer will have problems running Morrowind or Oblivion that mine doesn't. My computer will have problems running Morrowind or Oblivion that hers doesn't. There's no way to predict what will happen. Over the years I have come to believe that computers are as temperamental and as idiosyncratic as human beings. ;)
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:53 pm

so are you saying the Xbox version is compatable with Xbox 360? if not ill look up the system requirements for morrowind, but i only have a mini laptop that can barely run garrys mod, so i dont know about getting the pc version...

It runs, I'm playing it now. The only real issue I have is that it seems to run slow. I think it might be the the software emulating the xbox hardware. It's still fun -- I recommend Fighters Guild over Mages Guild for more interesting quests (just starting out though)
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:31 pm

If your computer can barely run Garry's Mod, then yes, your computer WILL run Morrowind. Just buy the Game of the Year edition. You will cry if you realize what you will miss out on if you don't. I think I will cry too, if you miss out. lol :P
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 5:03 am

I played Oblivion for a long time on Xbox before playing Morrowind and although many people say Morrowind is better than Oblivion I way prefer Oblivion theres nothing better than strolling through an elven dungeon while youre sittin on your bed half asleep and next thing a zombie comes out of nowhere. The fact that i prefer oblivion is probably something to do with the fact that i played it before Morrowind!!
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:37 pm

The fact that i prefer oblivion is probably something to do with the fact that i played it before Morrowind!!

Not necessarily. I started with Oblivion too, but I prefer Morrowind by far.
Our respective gaming history is probably a bigger factor, imo.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:21 pm

Depends on why the person likes Oblivion. If it's for the FPR stuff, and the lore and background don't interest the player then forget it. Walking around Vaardenfell is probably going to bore the heck out of him/her.

And I'd recommend the PC version, if only because, as much as I love Morrowwind, I played it for about 10 minutes, got online and downloaded as many face replacement mods as I could find. The faces are ugly and lumpy. Now everyone looks like a fashion model, but it's better than the original horrible heads.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:25 pm

no, would i reckon-mend a visual enhanced. modded Morrowind? YEP!
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:56 am

People who come from Oblivion first seem to have a hard time adjusting to Morrowind. They expect everything to be obvious, easy and shinny: and its not ^_^

which is why we love it
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:25 pm

It's a more difficult game in several respects, and one that honors your intelligence more. Yes, I would recommend it, though you shouldn't play it expecting the same conditions as Oblivion.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:59 pm

On the 360 it will look pretty dated - and Morrowind has a muted colour scheme lots of muddy browns - the segmented bodies and face textures can be a bit harsh - however compared to Neverwinter nights or other games of it's era it's amazingly detailed

If you are looking for an immersive RPG game then I recommend it highly - enjoy it is a game on the 360 without mods and you'll get to enjoy the story and the world - the difficulty playing it on PC is that you can spend more time trying to create the perfect mod build than playing the game - even worse you can start modding yourself and before you know it years start flying past.

Just play it as an RPG game in its own right and i think you'll have a lot of fun
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