Despite the flak that this comment will receive from those very happy with the now PVP aspects of the once PVE TES series I
think that unless you PVP all of the repeatable quest's and the associated better loot, plus the EIGHTEEN skyshards in Cyrodil will be out of your reach.
In addition ,again despite the barrage of disagreement here from PVPers, the NonCyrodil quests are NONrepeatable and so, sooner or later, you will be
forced into Cyrodil if only to move to another alliance area. The game is mainly for PVPers but there is supposedly unlimited (hmmm on that one) PVE for
those who wish to only PVE, that is , only in their own alliance area.(so, a quarter as opposed to a half of the available area). Of course you can try and
sneak in and do quests here, but we have already had multiple boasts here from those who intend to prey on those who do and with relish.
I wish that I could be positive and believe all of the supposed posted "knowledge" about how wonderful the PVE possibilities are, as espoused by the
PVPers, but the fact remains that a whole(and huge) sector is for PVP alone and that it has such good loot/skyshards/quests means that
ESO intend to push everyone into PVP like it or not.
I sure hope that I am wrong but knowing that the head developer is a pure PVP guy, I doubt it, although I will try it to see but subscription could be a miss
if my suspicions are correct. If so it will be a real pity will make the PVPers all happy I guess, until they all move on. But there will always be kids
sitting near the border just itching for a chance to gank