Would you spam 186 forums for a free video game?

Post » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:58 am

This really hot chick says that whoever advertises her website the most will get a free video game of their choice in the mail. I'm a member of 186 forums, so I could easily advertise on them. However, I don't like the idea of spamming them. Plus it wouldn't be fair to other people. I know her word is good, in fact, it was my suggestion to her that she create a message board to begin with. She's a professional gamer and a Frag Doll, plus you know, it's not really spam if it's for a good cause, right? Then again, it's a chance to win, not a guaranteed win, so I could do all this, and still not win, but since I doubt other people would be willing to go to such great lengths as I would, I think it's highly likely that I would win, since I'd have like 200 papers in a hat (so to speak), whereas most people would only have 1-5. Plus she's insanely hot so that's motivation in it's own right.

But it just goes against my nature though, you know? I mean it's like, you get free stuff, but you may have to break a rule or two to do it. You know what they say, rules were made to be broken. But I don't want to get banned from one of the forums, especially not if I lose the contest too, so it would all be for not. I'm also thinking, perhaps I should go on a forum that is dead, like where no one has posted for a month or longer, and then advertise her website there like 5000 times, which would be hilarious because the admin might come back like 3 months later and be like "wtf", but she may not count that towards the contest, plus it would take a lot of time. I need some advice, what would you do? Perhaps I'm asking myself the wrong question, perhaps the question I should be asking is WWJWD? Here's the contest details:

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Post » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:59 am

Spamming other forums isn't an appropriate topic of discussion on the forums.
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clelia vega
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