Would you want to live in the Pre-War era?

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:56 pm

ha! wheres your proof of that?
there was no more/less then now. correction, possibly more 'racism' now-a-days.
blanket statements you shouldn't be making and democratic propoganda you shouldn't be listing too.

I didn't say anything about today's real world. I said there indeed was racism, sixism, and homophobia in the 50's. Where's my proof of that? Do I really have to answer? Atleast read statements before quoting, and replying to them.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:25 pm

I didn't say anything about today's real world. I said there indeed was racism, sixism, and homophobia in the 50's. Where's my proof of that? Do I really have to answer? Atleast read statements before quoting, and replying to them.

my appologises. disregard my previous statement.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:50 pm

my appologises. disregard my previous statement.

No problem. Happens to all of us. :wink_smile:
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:05 pm

Did the Pint-sized Slasher actually exist? And was it a child or a midget? No matter either way, since large person with semiautomatic pistol beats small person with kitchen knife.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:03 pm

Government oppression? Fear of nuclear annihilation? World conflict? Paranoia? Pint Sized Slasher?

No thanks.

You've just described America IRL :laugh:
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:38 pm

Hells to the no. I'd probably end up dead.
The years just before the bombs fell were hard times.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:25 pm

Hell yea, be it in USA or Finland.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:35 am

Hell yea, be it in USA or Finland.

Then you'd be amongst the numerous Europeans fighting amongst themselves following the collapse of the European Commonwealth if you stayed in the latter.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:24 pm

Then you'd be amongst the numerous Europeans fighting amongst themselves following the collapse of the European Commonwealth if you stayed in the latter.

True, but Finland is a poor, remote location with minimal resources and people in general, so we'd be pretty much left alone. And in a Fallout universe, Finland would probably turn into a stable, military-run although battered nation rather soon after the holocaust.
The only real problem would be feeding ourselves, but we could co-operate with our long time friends the Swedes and even the Soviets if they survive :)
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:26 pm

True, but Finland is a poor, remote location with minimal resources and people in general, so we'd be pretty much left alone. And in a Fallout universe, Finland would probably turn into a stable, military-run although battered nation rather soon after the holocaust.
The only real problem would be feeding ourselves, but we could co-operate with our long time friends the Swedes and even the Soviets if they survive :)

Indeed, I doubt Finland would even be targeted. Seriously, who has beef with Finland? To be honest though, I think Finland might be annexed by some other, larger country, and form a union of somesorts in Europe, as plenty of countries are relatively small there. Just a speculation though. I mean, America annexed Canada, so why not other countries do the same?
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:53 pm

Greenland has a beef with Finland because the fins claims ownership to Santaclaus. The FInmark will be haunted by mutated icebears because of that.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:19 am

Greenland has a beef with Finland because the fins claims ownership to Santaclaus. The FInmark will be haunted by mutated icebears because of that.

Greenland has nothing special. I don't even think they have an army. No nukes, and they're too far away to go anywhere without help. (They might survive the holocaust, but will die shortly after due to lack of recourses.)

Come to think of it, alot of places might not be targeted. Like Hawaii. Or the Bahamas.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:59 am

So what are your opinions? Would you want to live in the Pre-War era? Discuss!

This IS the pre-war period.

We in America are currently living in the Pre-War era.


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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:47 pm

The amount of social tension, sixism, racism, hate mongering, propaganda and even asbestos as well as other common harmful chemicals made it a pretty terrible time to live. There has been a lot of literature based on common concepts of the time. Tranquility lane is a throwback to common themes of how false and artificial the time period was. Female subservience was accepted by both sixes, women who worked in the factories building planes or worked as candy stripers were looked down upon at the time for stepping outside of their roles despite that the women were badly needed and did an excellent job.
Ethnicities were badly treated, black soldiers were sent on missions as fodder or stuffed away in a kitchen. If anyone has seen the original Stepford Wives it was derived from much of the sixism that pervaded from the forties and fifties to the seventies. Even clothing reflected confinement in contrast to male freedom.
Economy of the time is misunderstood, after the roaring twenties and the great depression America had finally regained its feet as a productive economy, but the success was tasted by few many employees slaved away in horrible working conditions on assembly lines or building homes for baby boomers and expanding business. This was seen as a much better time in contrast to the war and great depression, but it definitely was a fun time to be the average Joe.
The second Red Scare had citizens terrified of attack and subjugation led to senseless violence and cruelty. Julies and Ethel Rosenburg become an icon, a reason to spy on neighbors and whisper behind closed doors.
Largely the reason the fifties is remember so fondly is it was a time of economic prosperity, everyone had money for a car and a house, often at the cost of their health. The automobile became the icon of the decade and free trade opened up between other nations.

I definitely would NOT want to live in the pre war era and i would have to question the sanity of someone who knew exactly what it meant and still wanted to live there.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:35 pm

@Gillant. Well said.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:37 pm

Alot of you guys are forgetting. OP is talking about Fallout Universe, not the real world, get a grip on that. Sure, Pre-War Fallout days weren't perfect (if it was, there wouldn't have been a war) but it wasn't the same as our world in the 50's. Besides, like I stated before, pre-war just means before 2077AD. It can go back to the time dinosaurs were around.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:28 am

Alot of you guys are forgetting. OP is talking about Fallout Universe, not the real world, get a grip on that. Sure, Pre-War Fallout days weren't perfect (if it was, there wouldn't have been a war) but it wasn't the same as our world in the 50's. Besides, like I stated before, pre-war just means before 2077AD. It can go back to the time dinosaurs were around.

Fallout pre war paralleled life in the fifties. The OP asked whether i want to live in that time period. No.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:41 pm

Fallout pre war paralleled life in the fifties. The OP asked whether i want to live in that time period. No.

It's just that some of the reasons people say 'no' are because of how the real world 50's were. They weren't identical.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:30 am

So what are your opinions? Would you want to live in the Pre-War era? Discuss!

Good question.

I'm definately with you in one way. When I play the game I go around in pre-war clothes when I'm at home (I mean in the game - rather than me changing into my park strollerware whenver I turn my PC on. That might be taking the RPG element of the game too far). My character has a deep unfulfilled longing for those great days before the war. She grew up in a vault, after all, where that 1950s civilisation and culture was preserved from the horrors of the outside world. She is forever listening to President Eden going on about baseball or the importance of democracy or something, while jumping over radiation pools and getting shot at by rapist-murdering-raiders. Of course she would think the old days were better.

But as for ME, yeah I'd be curious. I probably wouldn't swop for the world we live in now because we've moved on and the idealogical changes have mostly been better.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:49 am

Greenland has nothing special. I don't even think they have an army. No nukes, and they're too far away to go anywhere without help. (They might survive the holocaust, but will die shortly after due to lack of recourses.

Greenland is a territory of Denmark, although it is autonomous. Home rule was only granted them in 1979 though, so it may have never happened in the Fallout Universe (since the FO timeline diverged in the '50s). Denmark does have a military, although I doubt many other countries stay up late at night worrying about it.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:51 pm

No thank you...people are close minded today, think about then.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:10 pm

Nation with no royal house and I ain't living there
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:20 pm


They don't have internet or awesome video games.

The food is probably more expensive, and less tasty... and less healthy.

Granted, their medical science is better than ours. Some of those medical wonders they have in Fallout means I could even break my neck but still be able to walk days later! It's certainly a nice ensurance to have...
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:14 pm

The amount of social tension, sixism, racism, hate mongering, propaganda and even asbestos as well as other common harmful chemicals made it a pretty terrible time to live. There has been a lot of literature based on common concepts of the time. Tranquility lane is a throwback to common themes of how false and artificial the time period was. Female subservience was accepted by both sixes, women who worked in the factories building planes or worked as candy stripers were looked down upon at the time for stepping outside of their roles despite that the women were badly needed and did an excellent job.
Ethnicities were badly treated, black soldiers were sent on missions as fodder or stuffed away in a kitchen. If anyone has seen the original Stepford Wives it was derived from much of the sixism that pervaded from the forties and fifties to the seventies. Even clothing reflected confinement in contrast to male freedom.
Economy of the time is misunderstood, after the roaring twenties and the great depression America had finally regained its feet as a productive economy, but the success was tasted by few many employees slaved away in horrible working conditions on assembly lines or building homes for baby boomers and expanding business. This was seen as a much better time in contrast to the war and great depression, but it definitely was a fun time to be the average Joe.
The second Red Scare had citizens terrified of attack and subjugation led to senseless violence and cruelty. Julies and Ethel Rosenburg become an icon, a reason to spy on neighbors and whisper behind closed doors.
Largely the reason the fifties is remember so fondly is it was a time of economic prosperity, everyone had money for a car and a house, often at the cost of their health. The automobile became the icon of the decade and free trade opened up between other nations.

I definitely would NOT want to live in the pre war era and i would have to question the sanity of someone who knew exactly what it meant and still wanted to live there.

Can you compare Tranquility Lane with the Matrix?
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:27 pm

Can you compare Tranquility Lane with the Matrix?

Yeah, except without Keanu Reeves. :P
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