Wouldent it be cool if....
if you could spell "wouldn't"? .... haha, just teasing! This is a good question actually.....
Wouldn't it be cool if they created a tree-top city a little like the Ewoks in Star Wars? With rope-drawn wooden elevators and rope bridges... and up there, tons of birds flew around of new and varied species not seen before. And lets say the ground layer is all deep foilage and is very dark and misty, so you can't see two feet in front of your face. And in that dense foilage live tons of warped and evil animals unlike any earthly animal. So the people of this tribe were forced to live up in the air where they could defend themselves from those wild beasts roaming their thick and verdant underworld.
Wouldn't it be cool if Bethesda built an underground "pit world" where there is this huge hole in the ground a third of a mile across and there are roads carved in the sidewalls going down like the threads of a giant screw, but in the side of this huge hole they've created all the restaurants, dwellings, taverns, and shops all facing out against the path. And you can still see all the shops across the pit, but there are no bridges across the pit because they use it to launch fantasy-style Zeppelins that fly up and out of the hole to go to war against the dragons. And somewhere far below the shops and homes level is the Zeppelins base, where they repair and build Zeppelins using tons of interesting parts from all over Skyrim. And when you (we) come along, they ask us to help locate these parts on our quests, and offer to pay us (sort of a job locating the pieces they need) ... so they can go hunt dragons, too.
Wouldn't it be cool if Bethedsa designed a large underground lake with a ceiling that was so high you couldn't see it, and across this lake were bridges of stone going to and fro to other parts of this underground dwelling place for various tribal monsters. And all the places had different graphics, so that it was all unique from one cave to the next, with glowing crystals and red and blue creating their own light. And you have to pass through this dark and dangerous underworld to reach the real prize: a peaceful city below it under the waters. For there, down in the water, which is unusually black at the surface, further down, is an underwater city of strange but gentle creatures who live inside of huge air bubbles that are magically created so that organic creatures can pass in and out of them, but not the water. So you can push right through the wall and be in a dry world that bears the style of those people who live there. So as you are swimming down there (probably with an underwater spell or potion) this massive glowing bubble begins to be seen emerging from out of the blackness, and as you approach it slowly gets bigger and bigger and dwarfs your view like that Mushroom City in Morrowind. This is a real city, and its a trading city, it trades knowledge of the past (with it knows) with your gossip of events from the present (your surface world) ... This world here, so that not every city in Skyrim is stuck being on the surface. And down there, a very bright golden algae causes these air-pocket cities to glow as if in the light of waning dusk, not blue or green as is the cliche for underwater colors, but actually sort of like the normal colors associated with the surface world only dimmer. So when you're inside the city you always feel a sort of rippling gold color washing over all the stonework, and can but look up to see the golden dome above you, pulsing with power.
Now all of the buildings are in their own bubbles separated from one another. So the city is actually a collection of bubbles spread out all over the sea floor. And when you need to travel to the next bubble you have to push through the side wall and swim across to it. But the waters here are full of dangerous sea monsters, and they hate the cities and their golden light, so they want to destroy them and all their peoples, and you are seen as one of them. So every time you leave, you have to face a terrible battle. And it's all underwater. So Bethesda would have to create new rules for using magic underwater, such as you need to be able to breathe the water, and you need to haste yourself so you can move at the proper speed to cast spells. So without first being enchanted to remove the obstacles the water creates, you can't cast spells. So if one of your two base spells runs out, you can no longer cast spells, so you'd have to have potions that re-enchant your two base spells to return you to magical status. But to drink a potion underwater means to open its stopper underwater and risk contaminating it. So there is small chance if you drink a potion underwater that your potion fizzles out. So you have to learn a new way to cork potions involving wax, where you can put the potion in your mouth, chew the wax, releasing the potion, while you later spit out the wax. This process might require top-level Alchemy skills to achieve it. Meaning there are going to be tons of challenges associated with visiting this city and getting what you need.
Wouldn't it be cool if ... I could stop thinking of so many cool ideas that we'll never see in this game? (arghhh....)