I really don't care because I bought the game to play it not to look at a few more screenshots.
But that isn't the point!
You go out to buy this epic game Skyrim, which is complimented with a huge box and great box art of the Skyrim logo (you know, the box art where the graphic actually sticks outwards on the front). And inside is the game, and a thick game manual that you'll never read the whole way through because its so damn big!
It's a great feeling to buy a new game that comes with stuff like this. Think back to Baldur's Gate or Temple of Elemental Evil. Even the Fallout games had huge boxes that I keep on my shelf to this day. Sure you can just get the simple DVD box or just a downloadable Steam copy. But It just doesn't compare to owning a big box with an awesome bit of art on the front, game manual, and game case.