Put 150+ hours in the game then come back and give us your opinion. Me, being very optimistic, and a TES really devoted fan has gripes about skyrim. But its natural, no game is perfect.
I would have punched someone in the throat for uttering a bad word about skyrim... back when i only got to riverwood and was exploring caves, then you slowly realize, cave after cave, after cave, after cave... after cave. that theres not going to be anything truly awesome, except for caves.
no just not true this game is fun and good but this is far from a towering achievement
Once you've been to Blackreach nothing in Skyrim can amaze you any longer.
108 hours, not quite 150 yet, but I doubt I'll change my opinion. Every single dungeon I've hit, and I've hit a lot of them, is in some way unique or interesting, the world itself is huge and regions are definitely unique, characters (and many factions) have traits and motivations I can sympathize with, plotlines and politics are well-considered.
I wish there were
more to so many little parts of the game, but really, until someone comes out with a powerful-but-cheap adaptable VI we can run on our home consoles/computers, we're just not going to see that much branching in video game options and storylines. That's where the CS comes in, and I can hardly wait for it to be released.
I played and modded Morrowind for years (months worth of actual time invested) and it was an excellent game. Skyrim has at least matched it in scope, style, and modding potential, and
it did it all without butt-ugly ash storms or cliff racers.