» Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:40 am
I have the sinking feeling that, due to Crytek's complete silence, the MP community of the game is dying.
Not that I have issues finding games (it's finding games with decent hosts/hit registry that's hard), but I see less and less players above level 40. It seems to me like most of them hit 50 and shelve the game, which is likely what I will be doing. I've nearly hit 50 and put in my many hours of frustration towards a partially functioning game.
It's true I perhaps see one or two, if that level 50's or prestige players. The only ones I see regularly are my Xbox friends.
I played this afternoon and the first two games had a host migrations, one failed, the other succeeded. Fed up of seeing them and perhaps the casual players just don't want to put up with it. Also fed up of going into a game halfway to see the Host beasting with twice as many kills as everyone else while they have 1 or 2 bars. It's really not enjoyable.
It can be so hard to kill the Host sometimes, even if you get the drop on them. Angers me to think that in his mind he thinks he's beast going 25-6 in I. Then next match when a decent Host is selected it's funny to see him go 14-18 or something lol always makes me happy
I think Blendassist made a joke the other day that perhaps they are not giving us any news because they have no intention of patching this and so are keeping silent to maximise sales and to keep the online active, as we will be continuing to play this in the hope it will one day get fixed. That is what I'm doing funnily enough.
Man i hope this is not the case...
I've got better things to do than play a broken game that causes nothing but frustration. After a while you have to either admit that you're a glutton for punishment, or stop playing it. I see no point in grinding up to Level 50 if there's more frustration than fun. I decided a couple of weeks ago that I wasn't going to play the game until there was another patch. If the patch doesn't fix the main fun-inhibiting problems then I'm selling it. Life's too short to be playing broken games.