WOW, What a Disappointment

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:30 am

Metro 2033, Acecombat, Metal Gear Solid, all games that simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

Multiplayer is not a necessary addition unless its Battlefield.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:06 pm

Metro 2033, Acecombat, Metal Gear Solid, all games that simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

Multiplayer is not a necessary addition unless its Battlefield.

Digger, Pac-Man, Doom, Golden Axe, Gobliiins, all games that are also simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

I'm not talking about the oldies, I'm talking about the future of gaming.
Crysis 2 is perfect for single player, but without it's support to the MP it's not a great game.

I don't know if everyone will agree with me on this manner, but that's what I think anyway.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:54 pm

Metro 2033, Acecombat, Metal Gear Solid, all games that simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

Multiplayer is not a necessary addition unless its Battlefield.

Digger, Pac-Man, Doom, Golden Axe, Gobliiins, all games that are also simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

I'm not talking about the oldies, I'm talking about the future of gaming.
Crysis 2 is perfect for single player, but without it's support to the MP it's not a great game.

I don't know if everyone will agree with me on this manner, but that's what I think anyway.

I'm not talking about the oldies either. MGS4 came out on PS3 not too long ago, Acecombat 6 for the 360 in 2007, Metro 2033 in 2010. Not so old huh? DMC4 perhaps? Let me take a game from your time frame (in all honesty just something older than 7 years old, i actually haven't played most of those games you listed), Quake 2? Ever played Incoming?

These are all new games whose MP modes were not exactly brilliant, worse than C2, yet were still great in their single player experience. Mass Effect 1/2? Did that need multilayer to be great?

Net connectivity perhaps is a necessity in this day an age for DLC/mods, but by no means is a game "not a game" if it has no MP mode.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:04 pm

Metro 2033, Acecombat, Metal Gear Solid, all games that simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

Multiplayer is not a necessary addition unless its Battlefield.

Digger, Pac-Man, Doom, Golden Axe, Gobliiins, all games that are also simply don't need multiplayer that are perfectly fine as a single player experience.

I'm not talking about the oldies, I'm talking about the future of gaming.
Crysis 2 is perfect for single player, but without it's support to the MP it's not a great game.

I don't know if everyone will agree with me on this manner, but that's what I think anyway.

I'm not talking about the oldies either. MGS4 came out on PS3 not too long ago, Acecombat 6 for the 360 in 2007, Metro 2033 in 2010. Not so old huh? DMC4 perhaps? Let me take a game from your era perhaps, Quake 2? Ever played Incoming?

These are all new games whose MP modes were not exactly brilliant, worse than C2, yet were still great in their single player experience. Mass Effect 1/2? Did that need multilayer to be great?

Net connectivity perhaps is a necessity in this day an age for DLC/mods, but by no means is a game "not a game" if it has no MP mode.


You dont need multiplayer if you have a solid single player. Problem is, most games have **** single players these days. When some actual effort is put into the SP and its more than 6 hours (lol), then it might be worth the purchase.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:04 pm

All this talk of no hackers, there are still plenty about, just not as many of those stealth hackers. Last night there was 3 guys from a clan, all 3 were using auto aim. Then on the next server a guy using auto aim also. Then the next a guy aimbot and no clip killing everyone. Think we even had some of it recorded.

What's the difference between auto aim and aimbot?

Autoaim = Is like the autoaim that was included in retail for support of gamepads.
meaning : The player still needs to aim on his own just not that precise.

Aimbot = The cheater just needs to move around a little until his aim locks to closest person in view. (mostly on the head).
warning : No skill is required for this operation or what so ever.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

(games without MP are not games).

Ahem. Elder Scrolls 3 and 4 and the Entire Fallout series called. They would like to have a few hundred hours of your time.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:32 pm

OP, yep, ya got screwed over, the games broke.

Anybody who says that the patch sorted out the hackers is either in denial, or worse.

Afraid this is the end for Crytec they aint going to get another publisher after this rubbish, nobody would touch em with a barge pole :)
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:36 pm

Biggest letdown in the history of PC-gaming. I'm having more fun playing Bulletstorm than this POS.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:07 pm

Crysis 2 is a great game by itself, the best shooter release this year by far. But it could of been so much better had it stayed PC exclusive. Oh well, you can blame the pirates for that.
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KIng James
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:31 pm

You guys seem to have forgotten Fallout and Edler Scroll serieses.
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James Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:59 pm

Autoaim = Is like the autoaim that was included in retail for support of gamepads.
meaning : The player still needs to aim on his own just not that precise.

Aimbot = The cheater just needs to move around a little until his aim locks to closest person in view. (mostly on the head).
warning : No skill is required for this operation or what so ever.
Nope, it doesn't work this way.
What you described is very lame system that ruled the world in early '00s. Right now Aimbots that aren't made by idiots make aiming easier - eg. they move cursor to opponents just as the AutoAim does, it's: 1) automatically, 2) takes some time, it's not instant, 3) allows user to have some control over which opponents he aims at, and even which body parts he aims (he can move cursor, only it keeps going inside of opponent silhouette). In options you can set up aiming speed to avoid detection by automated scripts.

I know this sadly from the server owner side - it's nearly impossible to detect, and damn annoying if you try to organize some online tournaments. :( :(

Either way, my point is that: there is no difference between SMART Aimbot and Autoaim.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 pm

Autoaim = Is like the autoaim that was included in retail for support of gamepads.
meaning : The player still needs to aim on his own just not that precise.

Aimbot = The cheater just needs to move around a little until his aim locks to closest person in view. (mostly on the head).
warning : No skill is required for this operation or what so ever.
Nope, it doesn't work this way.
What you described is very lame system that ruled the world in early '00s. Right now Aimbots that aren't made by idiots make aiming easier - eg. they move cursor to opponents just as the AutoAim does, it's: 1) automatically, 2) takes some time, it's not instant, 3) allows user to have some control over which opponents he aims at, and even which body parts he aims (he can move cursor, only it keeps going inside of opponent silhouette). In options you can set up aiming speed to avoid detection by automated scripts.

I know this sadly from the server owner side - it's nearly impossible to detect, and damn annoying if you try to organize some online tournaments. :( :(

Either way, my point is that: there is no difference between SMART Aimbot and Autoaim.

Agreed. "snap to" aimbots are obsolete.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 pm

dont blame crytek for the mp blame CRYTEK UK THAT MADE THE MULTI singelplayer is awsome but the multi isnt the best
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:47 pm

full of hackers? after the last quick fixes i see almost non.

second of that, when someone is playing good then people telling hes hacking.

I think you need to play a little bit more. I ran into at least 2-3 yesterday that were guaranteed hacks. That is unless you don't consider somebody moving at like 5x the speed as everybody else, or somebody who comes in and goes 25-0 in about two minutes of play with every bullet finding a target.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:14 am

The biggest disappointment for me is that Crytek communicates inadequately with us.

When will the next patch be released?
Which bug fixes will be included?
What are the next steps?
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