» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 am
I agree, the MP is full of hackers!
It's not fun to play with Crysis 2 when all the servers are empty or with hackers!
The single play is a excellent game (the best one I've ever plaied with), but the MP is disaster, I guess it is because CryTek's method of servers, I mean, CryTek relay on fans to rent servers for MP, instead of giving the servers away as part of the game or create their own servers (own their account).
one more thing, I find the MP quite boring after play with it for a while because generally there are only two games types.
Hope that CryTek will do something about it.
Anyway next time I will reconsider as to purchase Crysis 3 (games without MP are not games).
full of hackers? after the last quick fixes i see almost non.
second of that, when someone is playing good then people telling hes hacking.
even if you have a 100% hack proof game if you get killed by good players people still complain they are cheating.
if people learn to play more, instead of posting worthless topics, mabey you gaining some skill also.
not everyone cheats! some people are just better then you! deal with it.
i cant at all agree with this. i've played a pretty good amount of MP in this game and its really not that difficult to tell the difference between a good player and a cheater. not only that, how many "good" players do you expect there are, who're good enough players that their skills seem like they're cheating?..maybe .1 % of all players are "that good", prolly way less in reality. seriously man - your argument doesnt really support what the reality is. its not the reality in this game that 15-20% of the people i've played with are so good at this game that they can shoot me with out uncloaking or pop a no-scope head shot from across the complete distance of the map, and im supposed to think they're just really good at this game. really?
what about the guy with the automatic nade launcher for his scar, with infinite nades just literally exploding the entire map - i suppose that guy is simply just the best player, and not cheating at all..
but on the other end. i hate the good players as well - its more a respectful hatred though, rather than a hatred derived from playing against people who have an unfair advantage. the reason why is because good players are so infinitely much more clever and dubious than a cheater is. cheaters are not good players, in fact they're the worst players - thats why they cheat! cheaters kill you in either the dumbest ways because their advantages allow it, or they kill you in the safest ways available because of the same reason (from across the entire map). cheaters never kill you in clever ways - especially in this game, where it seems to take a pretty damn good amount of clever to be really good.
so, you're not really making a good argument. the fact does remain though that some people havent seen the amount of cheaters that others have - and thats something i can certainly make sense out of. i did play about 5 rounds in a row of crash site once without (seemingly) seeing a single cheater - i did see a couple really good clever players though..and it was easy to tell the difference.