Working Title: Ron and Davey (stupid boards removed all my nice formatting...)
"We should totally do it!"
Ron's voice dropped down to a conspiratorial whisper. "Davey, we are not going to rob the store! We work here, for crying out loud!"
"I know! They'd never suspect a thing! It's brilliant!"
"It's [censored] stupid, is what it is. Not only would we get fired, we'd be tossed in jail. Jail, Davey. I am not going to jail for robbing the place that pays me. End of discussion."
The discussion, for a few seconds, ceased. Dave, more often known as "Davey" or "the pothead that works in Electronics" was sitting in the breakroom with his lifelong friend Ron. Ron, usually only known as "Ron", was a store manager at the only Electro-Mart in the state. It was a dead-end job and Ron knew it. Even Davey knew it - it was likely that little kernel of truth had sparked the idea in the first place.
Over the years Ron had grown used to Davey's crazy ideas - everything from how to rig the lottery to, well, the idea where he and Ron rob the Electro-Mart. That they both worked at. Now that Ron thought about it, Davey's ideas did tend towards the criminal - well, the criminally stupid, at least.
Ron was remembering a young Davey's attempt to corner the local pet rock market when Davey piped up. "I mean, I could probably figure out how to turn off the alarms and stuff. That'd make it easy, right?"
Ron sighed. "No, Davey. We are not discussing this. Everybody knows you're good with wires and [censored], for one. Secondly, if all the security stuff gets flipped off the phone system calls the cops, right?"
"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that."
"See? That's why we - er, you - can't rob the store, Davey. You'd forget about stuff like that."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Ronnie."
"Don't call me Ronnie, Davey."
The conversation again lulled. Ron knew, that for all Davey's faults and foibles, he was whip-smart with electronics and how they worked. That was probably the only reason Davey worked at the Electro-Mart in the first place - his innate ability working with electronics of all sorts and his buddy-buddy personality helped sell the expensive HDMI cables and usually a few replacement plans thrown in for good measure. And now Davey wanted to rob the place that gave him a paycheck.
Ron instinctively looked up at the clock. His break was almost over - he sighed and stood up from his seat and gave Davey a look. "No robbing the store, OK, Davey?"
Davey looked like someone had kicked his puppy into his groin. "Yeah, OK, Ron. No robbing the store."
Ron tried to cheer Davey up. "Good. I'm going to start my shift. See you after work, maybe we'll go get dinner or something?"
It didn't work. "Sure thing, Ron. Catch ya later."
Ron strode out the breakroom and back onto the main floor of Electro-Mart. The store assaulted him with its sights and sounds - both of which were mediocre and soul-sapping on a good day. Somewhere off to his left, a baby wailed. Ron hated babies - the thought that he had once been a baby made him want to throw up. Like a baby. The store lights were always too bright overhead and Ron had to stare at the floor - which was always too reflective - or else his eyes would water up. And that usually caused him to run into things. Ron's thoughts shifted to somewhere outside the store, where he could sit and be comfortable and not have to shield his eyes from all the blinding lights. Somewhere decent and humane.
Turning down an aisle, Ron made his way to the Electronics section, full of things neither he nor Davey could reasonably afford. Rows of TVs, media players and video games - it was little wonder Davey had thought up the idea to rob the store, what with all this opulence and consumerism staring him in the face all day. Looking at one of the bigger TVs, Ron had to remind himself that stealing was wrong. Repeatedly.
Davey walked up to Ron and noticed him staring at one of the Samsung 60 inch LED LCD TVs (with 120Hz screen refresh, he reminded himself). "Be pretty easy to just carry one of those outta the store, you know. Maybe even a few of 'em."
Ron didn't even blink. "Shut up, Davey."
Ron's voice dropped down to a conspiratorial whisper. "Davey, we are not going to rob the store! We work here, for crying out loud!"
"I know! They'd never suspect a thing! It's brilliant!"
"It's [censored] stupid, is what it is. Not only would we get fired, we'd be tossed in jail. Jail, Davey. I am not going to jail for robbing the place that pays me. End of discussion."
The discussion, for a few seconds, ceased. Dave, more often known as "Davey" or "the pothead that works in Electronics" was sitting in the breakroom with his lifelong friend Ron. Ron, usually only known as "Ron", was a store manager at the only Electro-Mart in the state. It was a dead-end job and Ron knew it. Even Davey knew it - it was likely that little kernel of truth had sparked the idea in the first place.
Over the years Ron had grown used to Davey's crazy ideas - everything from how to rig the lottery to, well, the idea where he and Ron rob the Electro-Mart. That they both worked at. Now that Ron thought about it, Davey's ideas did tend towards the criminal - well, the criminally stupid, at least.
Ron was remembering a young Davey's attempt to corner the local pet rock market when Davey piped up. "I mean, I could probably figure out how to turn off the alarms and stuff. That'd make it easy, right?"
Ron sighed. "No, Davey. We are not discussing this. Everybody knows you're good with wires and [censored], for one. Secondly, if all the security stuff gets flipped off the phone system calls the cops, right?"
"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that."
"See? That's why we - er, you - can't rob the store, Davey. You'd forget about stuff like that."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Ronnie."
"Don't call me Ronnie, Davey."
The conversation again lulled. Ron knew, that for all Davey's faults and foibles, he was whip-smart with electronics and how they worked. That was probably the only reason Davey worked at the Electro-Mart in the first place - his innate ability working with electronics of all sorts and his buddy-buddy personality helped sell the expensive HDMI cables and usually a few replacement plans thrown in for good measure. And now Davey wanted to rob the place that gave him a paycheck.
Ron instinctively looked up at the clock. His break was almost over - he sighed and stood up from his seat and gave Davey a look. "No robbing the store, OK, Davey?"
Davey looked like someone had kicked his puppy into his groin. "Yeah, OK, Ron. No robbing the store."
Ron tried to cheer Davey up. "Good. I'm going to start my shift. See you after work, maybe we'll go get dinner or something?"
It didn't work. "Sure thing, Ron. Catch ya later."
Ron strode out the breakroom and back onto the main floor of Electro-Mart. The store assaulted him with its sights and sounds - both of which were mediocre and soul-sapping on a good day. Somewhere off to his left, a baby wailed. Ron hated babies - the thought that he had once been a baby made him want to throw up. Like a baby. The store lights were always too bright overhead and Ron had to stare at the floor - which was always too reflective - or else his eyes would water up. And that usually caused him to run into things. Ron's thoughts shifted to somewhere outside the store, where he could sit and be comfortable and not have to shield his eyes from all the blinding lights. Somewhere decent and humane.
Turning down an aisle, Ron made his way to the Electronics section, full of things neither he nor Davey could reasonably afford. Rows of TVs, media players and video games - it was little wonder Davey had thought up the idea to rob the store, what with all this opulence and consumerism staring him in the face all day. Looking at one of the bigger TVs, Ron had to remind himself that stealing was wrong. Repeatedly.
Davey walked up to Ron and noticed him staring at one of the Samsung 60 inch LED LCD TVs (with 120Hz screen refresh, he reminded himself). "Be pretty easy to just carry one of those outta the store, you know. Maybe even a few of 'em."
Ron didn't even blink. "Shut up, Davey."