Write a Thalmor Dossier for your character(s)

Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:22 am

Since I've got nothing to do at work this seemed somewhat interesting, as the title says come up with a Thalmor Dossier for one or more of your character, be as creative as you'd like and have fun :D

Isabell Shelton

Status: Observe (DO NOT ENGAGE), High Priority, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Isabell Shelton, Female, Breton, Age Unknown

Background: The lack of information on Isabell is concerning, the lack of any consistent timeline for her activities is even more concerning, we have historical records of someone with that name popping up through various time periods, vampirism can neither be ruled out or confirmed, confirming her appearance in Skyrim is priority number one. Agents are advised to not engage her under any circumstances until more information regarding her history and associates can be discovered.

Possibility of gaining her as an asset should not be dismissed though we cannot rely on this being a certainty, a contingency for her elimination should be prepared should she prove problematic; any agents assigned to such a task should approach with extreme caution as nothing is known about her abilities in combat.

Unknown Imperial Agent (Roselyn Velweyn)

Status: Active (Kill on Sight), High Priority, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Name Unknown, Female, Nord (Unconfirmed), Emissary Level Approval

Background: The agent known only as "Red" is a top priority, do not under any circumstances attempt to bring this agent in alive, she is to be killed on sight. It is believed that the agent "Red" has been numerous people over the years and the designation is given to only the most skilled espionage experts. Note, rumors that the agent is a vampiric female should be regarded as false as there is no evidence of vampiric origin in any of her missions.

The current "Red" is thought to be the same woman who sabatoged so many of our early efforts to route out the blades prior to The Great War, she vanished at the start of the war after our agents got close to her identity, she is thought to be hiding out somewhere in Skyrim and should be approached with extreme caution. Her skillset has been determined to be that of a Nightblade and a master of infiltration.
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:28 am

Being a top secret double agent for the Thalmor, and unknowningly to them also a dissedent of their cause, your clearance level is not authorized to view information of the person known as Darksun.

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:09 am


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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:23 pm

Subject name: Arantyl (family name unknown)

Status: Observe only do not engage unless attacked. Emisarry Level Approval

Description: Altmer male age unknown believed to be 130

Background: Arantyl appears to be a proficient wizard and is known to be the arch mage of the college of winterhold and according to northwatch keep 2 weeks before we lost contact with them he appears to be a skilled necromancer and conjurer as well apparently even able to call upon creatures believed to reside in the soul cairn to do his bidding as well as numerous daedra it also appears arantyl has ties with the stormcloak rebellion most unusual approach with caution.

Supplementory report: we sent several scouts to re establish contact with northwatch keep reports say that the keep is in shambles. several of the guards on the exterior of the fort appeared to have been burnt alive some werent even readily identifiable just charred skeletons and some stones in the northern wall appear to have been subjected to incredible amounts of heat in some portions of the wall it appears the stone became molten for a short time. several piles of ash emitting electrical energy where also discovered a number of discarded elven bows that where found nearby established that these now volatile piles of ash where once the archers stationed on the walls. by the eight how could a single individual even an arch mage cause such chaos? the door or rather what was left of it was found lying on the ground in severale pieces the door appears to have been frozen and then shattered with tremendous force perhaps those reports of arantyl being dragonborn are true after all. inside we found several dead thalmor soldiers that appeared to have slain each other most troubling. further in we had to put down several of the soldiers stationed in the fort the signs of decay on there bodies and there single minded will to attempt to destroy us identified that these soldier where now undead. later we found the torture chamber of the keep the torturer was later found in the room its probably best not to describe the horrors inflicted on him although mercifully in his current state he couldnt have lived long. the captain of the fort was also found although unlike the others she was very much alive but striken with unnatural terror likely the result of a spell we failed to find a way to end the spell so she was killed to end her suffering. it is now suggested by thalmor command that all efforts be made to avoid contact with arantyl.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:11 pm

Thalmor Dossier: Crimson

Highest Priority

Status: Disrupter (Capture, DO NOT Kill, Maim if Necessary)

Description: Male, Breton, early 20s, (Appearance Widely Known)

Crimson has been a problem since 4E 201:

The Embassy Debacle

He is responsible for single-handedly infiltrating the Thalmor Embassy in Skyrim and slaughtering every soldier and diplomat inside it. After the carnage, he freed our most valuable hostages and stole highly sensitive documents. Both the hostages and documents verify that the Thalmor are secretly aiding both sides of the civil war in Skyrim. Our position in Skyrim will be untenable if the Stormcloaks and the Imperials know of this. The civil war must continue until both sides obliterate each other, thus making the task of colonizing Skyrim that much easier.

The Lost Fort

Crimson has also seized Northwatch Keep and though numerous attempts have been made to recapture the fort, it has been difficult as two Red Dragons are guarding it. The fact that Crimson is Dragonborn has made our efforts to capture and interrogate him that much harder. Not only is he adept at shouting enemies to death, he is also the most skilled archer in Tamriel.

The Justiciar Butcher

Hundreds of our Justiciars have been slain, which has made it difficult to enforce the terms of the White-Gold Concordat in Skyrim. They will not be replaced until Crimson has been appropriately dealt with.


Crimson is dangerous, cunning and very popular among the citizens of Skyrim. Making moves against him must be thoroughly planned and flawlessly executed. Our highest priority is to recover the prisoners and documents before it is too late.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:33 pm

name- valen septim, his race is altmer

status- kill on sight

age- unknown most likely extended with with magic

affiliations- the dawnguard, the greybeards, companions, dark brotherhood

background- it is known that he little to no childhood, so his outlook on life is bleak. he has been known to lead several thalmor protest. he is known to have a wife by the name of ysolda. he specializes in destruction, conjuration, light armor and one handed therefore he can be evasive. there are also a few rumors that he may be a werewolf so try not to engage him in melee. he has defeated alduin and the vampire lord harkon, it is also known that he has defeated a dragon lord called miraak. do not underestimate him he shows no mercy to his enemy's.

wealth- minimal

asset- not possible

assassination- failed

fame- well known

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:26 am

Saryn Andarys

Status: Observe, do not, I repeat, do not engage or talk to this individual at all he is highly powerful. Emissary Level Approval

Description: Dunmer male, unknown age, physical and facial appearance seem to conflict. Some operatives report he has a tattoo on his right eye (a line above his right eye and two lines below it) and a scar under his left eye other reports describe him as having a tattoo of two broken circles on the upper left of his face and the lower right and finally the last report claims he may have a hand-print on his forehead.

Asset: Impossible, he has shown too much violence to the Thalmor to be a proper asset.

Background: Reports seem to say this Dunmer was one of the outcasts who left Morrowind during the red year, he grew up in Telvannis studying magic before leaving for Vivec to see the further destruction of the Guild of Mages presence in Morrowind (apparently a large plot orchestrated by the Telvanni so they control all magical studies in Morrowind.) We have no clue how this individual escaped from Vivec but only that he did unharmed, he ended up in cheydinhal for most of the first century trying to keep the Camonna Tong and Hlaalu presence from taking over, in 4E135 it appears he failed and the Camonna Tong becoming a large power in north-eastern cyrodiil after that he seemed to have faded away until 4E201 when he was seen among Stormcloak PoW.

This individual must be blessed by Sai for they not only got out of the eruption of Red Mountain unharmed, the political and underground discourse in Cheydinhal but also out of Helgen alive. He later became a prime figure in the College of Winterhold as the Arch-mage, he also managed to become the head of the companions, a member of the bard's college, the Thane of each hold except Windelm, he is respected among the breton populace of Markarth for what we except to be caused by him adding the returned king of the forsworn, he is also a retainer of Master Neloth of the Great House Telvanni and a respected citizen of Raven Rock. There are even whispers in the underground that he is the guild-master of the thieves guild and possibly the listener of the Dark Brotherhood. It is also suspected he may be a worshiper of Hermaeus Mora since he knows how to summon the Daedra who serve him and at one time he was seen carrying the great book of knowledge itself, the Oghma Infinium, by a operative.

He is also known as the Dragonborn and can command a powerful use of the Voice, this had left several members of the Thalmor to become victim of the several shouts he knows. Recently Saryn has become a nuisance on the Thalmor, he seems to enjoy assassinating us (The entire force of the embassy had their throats slit save for the front gate guards and the emissary herself) so we know he is a skilled assassin and thief among being a powerful sorcerer. From studying reports on attacked patrols we also learned Saryn has no love for stormcloaks as the stormcloak prisoners are always killed, we also gather this from reports of him attacking Stormcloak encampments and possibly being responsible for the mass assassinations of stormcloak soldiers inside the gates of windhelm though he has yet to be charged with any crimes and it's possible he is a supporter of the legion.

In short, stay away from this mer, he is very powerful in all of the schools of magic and enjoys summoning unknown undead creatures and Daedra as much as he loves dealing with them and he knows how to hide and assassinate any foe.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:10 am

Subject name: Hrafna

Status: Observe with great caution, High Priority. Emisarry Level Approval.

Description: Age 20, Female, Nord.

Very dark looking for a Nord with her pale skin, black hair, light grey eyes, black eyeshadow and black lips. A scar goes through her left eye.

Background: Locals seemed to call her ''The Raven Of Death'' and ''The Spirit Of Sorrow'', subject is the lost daughter of arrested Talos worshippers. She has spent some time in the orphanage as a child after we captured her parents. Subject appears to be skilled in necromancy, frost destruction and the blade. Though she seems cautious about her necromantic powers, forbidding herself to ressurect innocents. The subject is depressed, mentally unstable and extremely dangerous. She is associated with the Stormcloaks and possibly the College Of Winterhold. Subject may or may not be Dragonborn.

The Subject enjoys killing our men in the most brutal and cruel ways possible. We've found a justiciar hanged up with his own intestines, the subject is responsible for this crime. She seems to leave a Nightshade flower on the corpses of our men. Observe with great caution. If possible, surround her with your fellow soldiers and put an end to her life.

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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:34 pm

Name: Odkulaan, or otherwise known as "Snow Prince"

Status: Possible asset, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Male, Falmer - seemingly as pure a Falmer can be. Shows no signs of feral behavior. Physical appearance is superb, and healthy. Rumored to be Dragonborn. There are also idle rumors that he is a reincarnation of an ancient Falmeri Hero.

Background: History is unknown, no previous records of him seem to exist. Field operatives witnessed him killing Stormcloak patrols. Scattered reports indicate him as working alone. Other reports say he is accompanied by other Falmer(de-evolved forms). Falmer were supposedly wiped out by the Nords in the First era. The presence of this particular Falmer is of special interest to the First Emissary. May prove useful against the Nordic people. Has shown no violence or hostility to any of our operatives. There have been reports of the sun "raining down Auri-El's Wrath" - as described by several different sources. Snow Prince is rumored to have Auriel's sacred Bow of myth in his possession along with his shield.

Operational Notes: Direct contact is a possibility. Seems to show no ill feelings towards other Mer of any kind. Hostility to Nords and proficiency in battle is valuable. Subject is still to be considered dangerous and should not be approached without the Emissary's consent. Seems to be a devout Auri-El worshiper. Cooperation with this subject is highly favorable to our goals.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:18 am

Thalmor Dossier: Dremora whose name is classified

Status: Mortal Enemy of the Thalmor and Aldmeri Dominion

Description: Dremora male with red hair.

Background: The dremora first came to our attention in Helgen. He escaped after the dragon attack and subsequently joined the Legion. This Dremora quickly ended our planned insurrection by the Stormcloaks against the hated Empire. This Dremora later showed up at a party held by Elenwen and gained access to sensitive intelligence and escaped with the traitor Malborn and the Breton Etienne Rarnis.

We tracked this dremora to the ratways in Riften where he was seen with our enemies, the Blades. No Thalmor that entered the Ratways left alive. Our assassin failed as well. Hit squads were dispatched and were all destroyed by this dremora. Subsequently, this dremora legate helped Stormcloak sympathizers to free prisoners at Northwatch Keep and is largely responsible for our loss of that installation.

This dremora has sided with our enemies at every turn. As a legate helping the Stormcloaks, he has undermined what we hoped to accomplish in Skyrim.

It is as if we are re-living Crystal-Like Law. If the daedra side with the humans against us, then the Thalmor cause and the Aldmeri Dominion itself is doomed, DOOMED.

First Emissary Elenwen is hereby recalled to Alinor where we shall make an example of her incompetence. Notifiy her next of kin.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:51 pm

Name- Meleineth Elbenin

Status: Do not engage except to defend. Notify immediately if encountered and there are any survivors.

Description- Male Bosmer, Age unknown. Three diagonal black stripes across his left cheek.

Background: Believed to be a refugee from Valenwood who migrated to Skyrim within the last two years to escape cleansing efforts. Reports of his activities show a high degree of combat prowess and some magical ability who has been elevated to heroic status throughout the province. Last reported to be nominal leader of the Companions, Archmage of the college (Who destroyed our agent there and appropriated the Eye of Magnus) and some reports seem to point to him being the instigator of the Thieve's Guild return to prominence as well though this report cannot be confirmed due to secrecy within the organization. He is believed to have even deeper roots in this organization, again this cannot be confirmed. It is known however that he is favored by the Jarls throughout the province though the Jarl of Markarth has had suspicions of him due to the release of the former king of that city. There are also rumors he has revived that cursed former Imperial spy agency the Blades. Also known to be in leauge with dragons and can call upon at least one when provoked. May be found anywhere in the province as he has homes scattered across Skyrim in nearly every hold.

Possibility of Asset Status: None. This brigand has attacked and destroyed a number of our sweep teams on the roads and destroyed our major base of operations on the Northwest coast. It is believed he was also responsible for the great number of deaths at our embassy. Teams sent to apprehend him have also been found thoroughly defeated and pillaged.

Status: Approach only in force and if possible destroy on sight. If found do not attack alone or in small groups, enlist help before engaging. Highest level priority, Emissary level approval.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:35 pm

Name: Jake Nordson, Real name Jake Nordberg. We dont know why he did this.

Status: Enemy. Kill on sight if no option to retreat. Retreat if able. Thalmor Council approved.

Location: Located in Windhelm, Stormcloak controlled. Status Impossible to sneak attack. Is connected to the Dark Brotherhood. Cannot Assassinate.

Description: Male, average Nord height, Wears blue almost ice like armor when in the field but, wears fine clothing when in Windhelm. Is the Dragonborn. Blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, no visible scars or tatoos. Is a member of every faction in Skyrim. Is a proficient shield and sword warrior. While the so called Arch mage of the college of Winterhold, He is purely an artifacts expert. Has underground network of thieves to alert him of any Thalmor activity. Companions guard him. Dawnguard guards also protect him. Do not engage at this time.

Background: Normal Nordic life. Traveled to Cyrodiil before the Helgan incident. Parents location, possibly in Hammerfell to escape the violence. No siblings. Married to Mjoll the Lioness, a powerful warrior who escapes death on a regular basis. We do not know why.

Operation notes: Do not engage under any circumstance. He has ensured victory for the Stormcloaks in Skyrim. We cannot operate freely. He has plenty of protection and methods of retaliation. DO NOT ENGAGE.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:41 am

Name: Phoenix (Surname Redacted)

Status: Kill on Sight, Extremly Dangerous

Description: Imperial, Male, Dark Hair Shaven, Short beard.

Background: Great care should be taken with this one. Although he is from Cyrodiil and a Legate of the Imperial Legion, He has been known to eliminate our Patrols throughout Skyrim, barring no Mercy. He is known to bear a suit of armor and a shield made of Dragon Bones and carry a Sword that looks as if it were forged in Oblivion itself (Daedric). Local Infiltrators have gathered that this could be the one that the Nords refer to as "Dargonborn", although this needs to be investigated further. It has been witnessed that he is also a master of the Thu'um, having displayed this ability on several occasions in Battle. It should also be noted that he is a Talos worshopper, and seems to dabble in some Ancient Nord Cult Native to Solstheim

He also seems to be well Connected, often being spotted entering several Palaces and engaging in conversation with the Jarls, so it is best not to engage in towns. We believe he is also involved with several guilds in Skyrim, most notably, the Companions, The College of Winterhold, and the Thieve's Guild. It is rumored that he is also in the Dark Brotherhood, if that is true, then extreme caution should be noted.

We have gathered that he is married to a Nord woman from Whiterun and has two children, possibly adopted. Although he has residences all over Skyrim, his main house seems to be a homestead north of Whiterun and between two Giant Camps, so a direct assult on his home is not advised.

(Edited for Spelling)

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:08 pm

Name: Nord of Nordington.

Status: Kill on sight.

Description: He is too Nordic and worships Talos. He has been seen killing imperials and saving stormcloak prisoners. he has also been killing Our patrols and leaving a Talos amulet on the bodies of every Thalmor justiciar. He is a dangerous man and he wields Wuuthrad.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:18 am

Not really a dossier but...

After the Ages of Mer

Also during the Early Fourth Era the legendary immortal hero, warrior, sorceror, and king variously known as Harbinger of the Five Hundred Mighty Companions, The Nightingale of Riften, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, Ysmir Stormcrown, etc., wandered Tamriel, gathering armies, conquering lands, ruling, then abandoning his kingdoms to wander again.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:17 am

Name: Marie Motierre

Description: Breton, Female. Age 19. Youthful with light blonde hair. Blind in both eyes with tattoos on her cheeks.

Status: Enemy of the Thalmor

Background: It is unknown what her background is, but from what we gleam, she is an orphan from the Cyrodillic city of Chorrol who went into Skyrim to make a new life for herself. She now fights for the Stormcloaks and to reinstate the worship of the man-god, Talos. This is unacceptable. Therefore, she must be killed at all costs. It is unclear how she, a little blind Breton girl, can possibly hold up in a fight when logically she should've been killed in her infancy due to her...affliction. Nevertheless, reports have seen her showing herself a capable, and dangerous opponent, so tread with caution. Bring us her head as proof that you eliminated her. This has been sanctioned by the Thalmor council.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:33 am

Sejanus Vedius.

Status: Observe, Medium Priority, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Sejanus Vedius, Male, Imperial, Age: 43

Background: We know very little about Sejanus, as most of his files are guarded under high Imperial law. We do however know that he is a high ranking spectre in the emperors guard- the Penitus Oculatus. The are rumors in Skyrims more unsavory areas that he may have a cousin associated with the Dark brotherhood- this is just a rumor mind you and should be investigated further.

We know next to nothing about his prowess in combat, but should assume that he has attended training with the Imperial legion - if this is the case one should approach with an aura of subtlety to avoid a direct conflict.

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Nuno Castro
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:24 pm

Name: Thorom Horn-Hand

Status: Hostile, do not engage

Description: Male Nord, believed to be between the ages 25 and 30

Background: Inconsequential beginnings somewhere in northern Cyrodiil, possibly a remote and unknown village in the Jerall Mountains. Trained in both melee fighting and magic. Early history is largely unknown, due to a lack of meaningful accomplishments. Supposedly did a few mercenary jobs in Bruma, but this has yet to be confirmed. Known to be worship Talos as Ysmir.

Operational notes: Strong anti-Dominion based views and will confront Justiciar patrols about Talos. Engagement is only to be done with backup. Elimination of target is favorable to our goals.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:57 pm

Name: Olaf Regnivald

Description: Male Nord, heavy armored warrior, Yellow streaks along the left side if his face. Medium length brown hair and short beard.

Background: Believed to have come from Cyrodill within the last two weeks and has reclaimed his family homestead in Riverwood. Currently working as a sell sword in Whiterun and collecting bandit bounties. Homestead originally settled by Alan Regnivald who was a noteworthy champion of the empire during the Oblivion crisis. Believed to have killed an Imperial patrol escorting a Stormcloak prisoner, if true this calls his loyalty to the Empire into question.

Possibility of asset: Unknown at this time.

Status: Observe only, leaving open the possibility of detention and questioning in the future. Report all activities when possible.

Adendum: Regnivald has been seen in Windhelm entering and leaving the Jarl's palace. The possibility exists he may be exploring ties with the Stormcloak faction. I am hereby ordering increased observation to monitor his activities closely. Should this be proven detain him immediately and bring Regnivald in for questioning.

Status: Unchanged. Justiciar level approval.

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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:43 am

Name: " Blank" Slate



Description: Male, Khajiit Rumored to be worshiper of Talos, rumored to be,Dragonborn, the slayer of Alduin, destroyer of Mirrak, clad in unknown type of armour

Background: History is unknown

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:36 pm

Name: Pahsahrot Dovahkiin (Almighty Dragonborn in the common tongue)

Status: Do not in any circumstances let him be aware of your presence. If you fail to do so make sure you give a quick prayer to Auri-El before taking your Jarrin Root pill.

Age: Unknown

Description: Unknown believe to be Nordic

Background: Believe to have once been a prisoner of the Imperial Legion.

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:41 pm

( I know this was meant to be for enemies of the thalmor, but I could see them keeping dossiers on some of their members as well)

Name: Ellith

Status: He's one of our agent's if you spot him Ignore him, although he may be disguised depending on his current mission.

Age: 89

Description:Rather short for an Altmer, Green eyes and may or may not be in a Thalmor Uniform.

Background: He was born in the Summerset isles and was a failed Archaeologist before he joined our ranks, he has risen quickly through our ranks and has managed to become the Head Justiciar of the Falkreath region in Skyrim.

Interesting note: There are rumors that he is what the local nords call "Dragon Born" like what Tiber Septim supposedly was. This could be problematic so we will review this at a later date.

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:32 pm

Name: Anikka "Stormcrown"/"The Arcane"

Status: Active, Capture or Kill (Not near population centers), Emissary-level approval

Race: Nord

Age: Unknown (estimated mid-late 20s)

Appearance: ~6 feet tall, copper-colored hair, green eyes, fair complexion, muscular build

Notable effects: Prefers full suit of Akaviri-style segmented platemail, possesses longsword made of Skyforge Steel believed to be enchanted with shock effects, wears cape adorned with unidentified akaviri glyph

Background: Anikka "Stormcrown" (former sobriquet "The Arcane") is fast rising in threat assessment from the Justiciary. Nords in Skyrim consider her to be a folk hero of some manner, a "Dragonborn". Considering that both her new sobriquet and title of "Dragonborn" are also associated with Tiber Septim, it is believed that popular adoration of her may result in encouragement of Talos worship, especially considering her brazen activities to that end. Imperial Legion personnel are unusually obstructive in providing intelligence on her, despite being a Legate in their ranks. Since she is also named Thane in several holds, it is unlikely that cooperation from even the guard details in Haafingar will be cooperative. Indeed, when pressed as to why she has not been arrested for Talos worship, General Tullius himself stated that it would be "prohibitively costly" to apprehend her.

Anikka "Stormcrown" is well known in Skyrim as the catalyst that brought about the premature end of the civil war in Skyrim in favor of the Empire, after the Helgen Incident had returned the situation to a stalemate. She has taken part in the defense of Whiterun and spearheaded the final siege on Windhelm. She is also strongly believed to be responsible for the infamous intrusion into restricted areas of the Embassy near Solitude, for the interdiction of elimination squads sent to dispatch the Blades agent Esbern, and also is believed to be in contact with one of the most notorious Blades agents, Delphine. Recent intel suggests she may have also recently dispatched a so-called leader of the recently re-appeared Dragons, an entity called Alduin (SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE: Recent intel also suggests that Alduin's intents were in fact not congruous with the Thalmor's long-term plans, and his demise is ultimately advantageous for us). She is also believed responsible for the disappearance of numerous Inquisition squads and prisoner transfer details. Perhaps her most publicly brazen attack against our operatives was the murder of Ondolemar, commander of Justiciary operations in Skyrim. Despite her insistence that she "sneezed" and "some times these things happen", the Markarth City Guard only fined her for disturbing the peace. This issue has been brought up with Jarl Igmund and is still to be resolved.

WARNING: Anikka Stormcrown is a formidable single combatant, eminently capable with the blade, the shield, platemail, and with a variety of martially applicable magicks. Overwhelming force and a well-considered plan is recommended when assailing her. It is believed that she possesses a power that Nordic folklore calls the "Thu'um"; essentially voice-magic. Though more skeptical Justiciary anolysts dismiss this as superstitious Nordic mumbo-jumbo, the anolysis of what few bodies of Thalmor assassins against her were recovered indicate that no mere blade or magefire contributed to their demise: nearly every bone in one's body was broken as if hit with an overwhelming force over their entire body, but no scuff-marks were visible on their body or accoutrements to indicate the force was inflicted by a solid object. Another was found encased in ice. Yet another had absolutely no visible injuries on them, but thaumaturgical anolysis of the corpse revealed that the soul had been forcibly removed, and there were signs that necromantic effects were also applied to the body. A soldier who survived by fleeing an attack by Anikka reports she was able to partially fade out of existence, rendering herself impervious to harm in the process. This soldier also reported that Anikka could cause him to fumble his weapon merely by yelling at him. Regardless of the veracity of these claims of the "power" of the "Thu'um", Anikka "Stormcrown" is to be considered extremely dangerous to our operations.

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