Write user reviews here!!

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:42 am

I think it's important for us to write reviews for ths game, since there are way too many PC gamers complaining. Wrire your review and say + for positive and - for negative review, just so people can easily see the ratio between + and -
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:04 am

Let's start with some good stuff.
Great single player. Everything I expected!

and now bad stuff.....

Lack of graphics options.
Tweaks don't work for multiplayer.
Crappy servers.
Hackers already.
Cracked servers.

( - )
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:20 am

Story(6-10) mediocre and predictable
Gameplay (7-10) solid but still has some bugs
Graphics (5-10) crytek did not deliver what they promised
Multi player(8-10) awesome when it works and when no hackers are on
Game customization(4-10) missing all the PC essentials

overall (6-10)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:28 pm

Gameplay 5 - 10
Story ? - 10
Graphics 5 - 10
Map Size 1 - 10
Consolization 10 - 10
Overall Crysis 2 Quality 1 - 10
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:07 am

-Story was quite good alto i didnt like the fact that my main characters didnt talk at all... 7/10
-Gameplay compared to the first game, is like being stuck in a hallway but it is pretty decent and non linear compared to other shooters. the nanosuit is pretty cool and altho not as cool as the first but it comes pretty close. and the shooting mechanics are decent aswell... 8/10
-Graphics arent bad at all but the fact that they said they were going to be pushing our pc's to the limit and didnt live up to it and didnt include dx10, dx11 or 64 bit in the final product... 4/10 ( 8/10 if they didnt lie so much about it )
-Multiplayer has a hell alot of bugs and is kinda unballanced and sometimes lobbies wont even start... 2/10
-Sound is the only thing in this game that made me really happy.. great sound effects, good soundtracks and awesome voice acting.. 9/10

overall 6/10
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:56 pm

-Story 8/10

-Storytelling 7/10 ( the first 3 or 4 levels are a tad bland but the game really pics up after that)

-Sound 9/10 ( The games sound is awesome, cant complain at any of that)

-AI 2/10 (ai issues with the enemy ai literally stuck looking at a wall at times, lip sync isues on some charactors as well)

-Level design 6.5/10 (small levels, very linnear but some of the later levels have some very cleaver level design going on)

-Graphics 7/10 (particles in this game are bad, the water falling from above made me cringe on one level, I literally done better on source for an effect like that, but the New york setting is done very well in places, dx9 may have some life left in it after all)

Multiplayer I havent even looked at since the hacker threads apeard as I just completed sp. Didnt bother heading in since there is hacks for pretty much everything right now)

Overall 8 (hopefully they patch out a lot of the issues and release the sandbox to let modders do some good large open worlds)
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Marquis T
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:14 pm

Story 5/10

Gameplay 7/10

Graphics 7/10

Multiplayer ?/10

Overall 6.5/10

Despite my vocal criticisms of this game, I thought it was pretty good overall, despite how the Crytek yes men on this forum classify fandom.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

Story: 7/10

Storytelling: 5/10

Sound: 10/10

AI: 3/10

Level Design: 3/10

Graphics: 10/10

Multiplayer: 0/10

Overall: 4/10

The single player has plenty of bugs and the Prophet Suit was a bit of a Deus Ex Machina, but those are minor complaints. Really my complaint is it being good vs. amazing. The multiplayer just svcks the life out of me. If I wanted to play Counterstrike with nanosuits I'm sure there's a MOD for that. The whole experience thing sounded cool at first, but then I didn't realize the full implication of it: Those who have higher ranks have better equipment and thus will get more kills than those with lower ranks. Thus they'll get more xp allowing for them to get better equipment ad infinum. Basically, Crytek is making there an enormous curve between those who survive to get the higher ranks and don't. Add to that the lack of vehicles, the small maps, and the lack of everything that made Crysis 1 shine... yea... Really this game's make or break point for me was the multiplayer and it failed.

Oh yes and that's not mentioning the little things like the exp bug (was it really hard for them to make it save *BETWEEN* rounds? That's probably just 4 or 5 lines of code), the length of time it takes for chat messages to be sent, and the hackers who have already begun to spring up (say "it's the internet" all you will; if Crytek's programmers were any good they would have sewn up those loopholes).
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 am


+ Good story
+ (-) Great graphics (on console, not so good for PC)
+ A lot of work in making the game look authentic (enviroment)
+ Nice Music
+ Don′t need the BEST hardware to run it
+ Good dialouge
+ Ok voice casting


- "Dumbed" nanosuit, without dedicated buttons for strenght and speed. (you just push shift when you run and then it is "max speed"
- Console port, that is just **** (I HATE cconsole port)
- Multiplayer that is unstable
- No saving, when I would like to save
- Press ENTER to start the game. WTF?????
- No real graphics settings
- No DX 11

All in all, if you don′t mind console porting games, buy the game and support the work Crytek have done. You will have a good time on the single player atleast. But for me, i have not had a good time, and regret buying the game. (Loved Crysis and Warhead that was MADE for PC, but this is no good for me. But that is my subjective thoughts, other people may love Crysis 2.)
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