Events in the few years leading up to the war I can see people being ok with but what about a decade before hand? I don't want to give to much away incase someday I deside to try writing a short story. I am better at small ideas but putting them together not so much. Evens leading upto the great war are pretty much blank. China Invades Alaska In the winter of 2066 but no info on the president or how things did not go nuclear then and not till 2077. Just small amounts of info are given right up to 2077 and even then we don't know who started China, America?
I understand if people write something just so out there that can upset fans but is even just touching those events fallout blasphemy?
I feel fallout fans on here are more open minded then on other forums. I can understand people just wanting things just left unknown but I for one like at least some info and if the devs don't do it the fans should.
By the way Dr. Strangelove is a great movie.
I don't think anyone has problems with decades before? I don't, I mean as long as you keep within the timeline, it's alright. I mean, the timeline is obviously hazy for good reason, but the events that are mentioned in the timeline shouldn't really be played upon or mutated. I mean, if you're writing a story about the Resource Wars (Like I and others have,) than it's fine because it's a perspective of a possible soldier/civilian/whatever's viewpoint on the event. But if you say that the nuclear explosion in Tel Aviv didn't happen, than I'm not really sure how people would take that. But if you wrote a story about the possible bomb setter, and the nuclear explosion in Tel Aviv that would be interesting, but I think if you tamper with the facts of the timeline, people will get upset. (Unless you did a REALLY good job with it? Which I'm not sure you can or can't do, I'm just putting it out there.)
Speaking of which, I might just do that. (Write a story about the Resource Wars in the Middle East and Tel Aviv? (I do have experience there already.))
Anyway, yeah, there are some do's and don'ts but nothing that would have us staking you out or something?
(Also, when was Dr. Strangelove a movie? Far as I know, I'm still sitting here in the War Room with the BoS...)