Theres nothing OBMM can do that anyone really needs it for these days. Wrye Bash can redate BSAs, can un-pack omods so you can make BAINs out of them. And for re-packing BSAs should you ever need to ..
You will need to know about, but really only to know why it is needed, if you get into Wrye Bash you will find it automatically uses BSA Redirection. Whatever you do dont be seduced by the dark side of archive invalidation which is BSA Alteration. Some still think it is needed and the best method, its not.
Do yourself a favour though before installing anything - Make sure you install the game outside of its default location, if you are on windows vista or windows 7 then UAC protects the folders the game installs to, and any modding utilities which need to install to the same location will be strangled by UAC.
If on steam, reference
If on DVD GOTY, just un-install the game, and re-install it to somewhere like C:\Games\, or C:\Oblivion\, or a different partition to your system drive .. E:\Games or whatever drives you have with enough space.
Have a good read of
If you do need both Wrye Bash and OBMM installed, then only let one of them manage BSA Redirection, and considering anything you change in your mod setup should end with rebuilding your Bashed Patch, then it makes sense just to have Wrye Bash in charge of this.
Only install ONE mod at a time, and read the mods documentation/description/readme ... fully. That includes the same for the utilities you will be using to mod the game. Dont go thinking you can install a bunch all at once and everything will work, OBMM will seduce you into this false sense of security and eventually you will come to the same conclusion that most here have - Might aswell just use Wrye Bash for the best setup. Even though it may seem daunting at first, time learning will be time well spent and save you some hair

Good luck.