Wrye Bash

Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:11 pm

It would be nice to add the integration of "http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28223" with "Wrye Bash"....? If this course is not too difficult.

I am curious as to what "integration" you would like to see - WB already merges all Sensual Walks patch mods.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:35 pm

Now this is probably going to sound real stupid, but they ain't no "Bashed Patch" in my wyre bash mod list.

And Well there was one last time I opened the program, did I by mistake activate it last time?
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:53 pm

I am curious as to what "integration" you would like to see - WB already merges all Sensual Walks patch mods.

Set animations from the section "Set NPC Skeletons and animations" in Bashed Patch. At any plugin.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:55 pm

Set animations from the section "Set NPC Skeletons and animations" in Bashed Patch. At any plugin.

Before Sensual Walk came out I had patchers to do that for both Real Walk and sixy Walk; however there was one problem - I couldn't get it to set multiple kffz records - which caused problems with Sheogorath and etc... but I'll look into fixing those again... I've learned more python in the last couple months.
In terms of Sensual Walks: Surazel: is there any hard and fast rule about NPC characteristics that you use to determine what walks to give the NPCS? (if so I could do that for Sensual Walk to... and have a if sensual walk x already in kffz list skip NPC, else assign X anim if npc stat/ai/race/whatever = X... how that sound?)
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:28 pm

In terms of Sensual Walks: Surazel: is there any hard and fast rule about NPC characteristics that you use to determine what walks to give the NPCS? (if so I could do that for Sensual Walk to... and have a if sensual walk x already in kffz list skip NPC, else assign X anim if npc stat/ai/race/whatever = X... how that sound?)
Pacific Morrowind

Sounds interesting. There is no hard and fast rule, but as a general rule of thumb, you could use the CNAM - Class to determine which animation to use. If this is of interest, I could provide a "rule of thumb" class to animation translation that you could include.

Worth mentioning, that this feature might require permission from Mur_Zik, who likes to know which mods use his animations.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:01 pm

You're awesome! :tops:

By the way, since I'm using Bash a lot these times around, I've been thinking of some more features (don't kill me!!!). Feel free to ignore them, or add them to your very very very long-term to-do list, but at least they'll be here for the record.

- The mods that I fear installing the most are usually those that require a special uninstall (run a script or something), otherwise they mess up your game to varying degrees. When I have a few of those installed, I end up forgetting which mods need this special treatment, and problems follow soon afterwards when I want to uninstall some stuff. So the feature: I want to ask Wrye Bash to warn me when I try to deactivate certain esps/esms. It could be with a dialog box, or by coloring the mod differently if I uncheck it. I'd like to be able to enter some comments when I flag the mod like this, to remind me later why I did so. Lastly, it should be possible to flag a BAIN package like this, which would result in any esps/esms installed from this package now or in the future to receive that same flag, and the comments that go with it.

- Reset prices: there's a problem with mods like Living Economy - Items and Enhanced Economy. When they change the price of an item, it's stored in the savegame, and based on what TheNiceOne told me, if you later install a different mod that's supposed to change that item's price, it will have no effect. Could we add a new Wrye Bash function that goes through a savegame and either 1) erase those price entries or 2) at least apply the correct prices based on your currently active mods ?

I have a question that goes with this last suggestion: how is the priced stored in the save file? Even if the format is different from esps, it seems that ess files store whole records, so when you change the price of an item, is the price stored alone, or together with all of the item's characteristics? So if Enhanced Economy changes the price of Steel Helmet, will any further attempts by mods to change Steel Helmet's other stats such as armor value be overwritten by the savegame?

flagging mods should be easily possible... but 278 coming first!
why would I kill you? you offer such great suggestion and stuff... some are difficult but eh thats fun too :)
I don't know the ESS format very well yet, but I should be able to do that, don't know about how much is saved... I'll look into it sometime.
Sounds interesting. There is no hard and fast rule, but as a general rule of thumb, you could use the CNAM - Class to determine which animation to use. If this is of interest, I could provide a "rule of thumb" class to animation translation that you could include.

Worth mentioning, that this feature might require permission from Mur_Zik, who likes to know which mods use his animations.

sure sounds good... definitely of interest. Could also help you make patch mods too... run this on just that mod and then go over it and make any changes and release - a bit quicker I would think.
If I do get it working I'll PM Mur_Zik then.
Pacific Morrowind
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:44 pm

so we have a pretty clear maybe on exporting MFact.csv data?
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:45 pm

C.Names is in (took 15 minutes including testing)

Thanks much! I was just thinking that this was missing. This puppy belongs on the UOP.
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:13 pm

good... definitely of interest. Could also help you make patch mods too... run this on just that mod and then go over it and make any changes and release - a bit quicker I would think.
If I do get it working I'll PM Mur_Zik then.

This was a lot harder than I thought - never realised how many factors other than class I take into account.

I am pretty fast when it comes to creating my patch mods (only use TES4Edit). However, one way WB patch mods would help is by extracting *only* the female NPCs - have not found a way to filter on gender when I create the mods. I also mentioned this, because the logic should only be applied to female NPCs - the walk animations will *not* look right for male NPCs :)

Here is my attempt at a "rule of thumb" approach (does not include all possible animations that could be applied, but no easy logic for the ones I have omitted)...
Acrobat = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Acrobat.kfAgent = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfAlchemist = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfAncestor Moth Monk = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Priest.kfArcher = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfArena Combatant -- Heavy Armor = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfArena Combatant -- Light Armor = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Gorgeous.kfArena Combatant -- Magic = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfArena Combatant -- Random = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfArena Combtant -- Battlemage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfArena Light Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfAssassin = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfBandit = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thug.kfBandit Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfBandit Boss = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfBandit Wizard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfBarbarian = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfBard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Flirt.kfBattlemage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfBeggar = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Beggar.kfBlade Class = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfBlademaster = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfBody Guard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Body Guard.kfBookseller = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfChampion = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Gorgeous.kfClothier = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfCommoner = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Commoner.kfConjurer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfConvicted Guard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Guard.kfCountess = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Countess.kfCrusader = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfDark Brotherhood Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfDark04 Prison Guard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Guard.kfDremora = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thug.kfDremora Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfDremora Mage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfDrillmaster = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfEnchanter = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfEnforcer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfFarmer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Commoner.kfForgemaster = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfForester = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Forester.kfGuard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Guard.kfGuard Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfGuard Battlemage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfHealer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Priest.kfHerald = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Commoner.kfHerder = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Commoner.kfHunter = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Forester.kfKnight = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfKvatch Guard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Guard.kfMage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfMarauder = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thug.kfMarauder Archer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfMarauder Boss = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfMarauder Mage = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfMerchant = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfMonk = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Priest.kfMythic Dawn Adept = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfMythic Dawn Agent = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfMythic Dawn Assassin = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfNecromancer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfNightblade = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfNoble = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Noble.kfOstler = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Rider.kfPalace Guard = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Guard.kfPauper = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Beggar.kfPawnbroker = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfPilgrim = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Priest.kfPirate = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfPorter = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Porter.kfPriest = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Priest.kfPublican = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfRogue = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfSavant = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Gorgeous.kfScout = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfSharpshooter = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Archer.kfSmith = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfSorcerer = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfSpellsword = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfThief = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Thief.kfThieves Guild Fence = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfTrader = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Merchant.kfWarlock = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfWarrior = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Soldier.kfWitch = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kfWitchhunter = 0FemaleVariableWalk_Mage.kf

Hope this is of some use.
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:36 pm

Uhm, so I'm trying to really use Bash to its full potential. So silly question. What do the colors mean? Like, I'm assuming green boxes are good. Reddish boxes are bad? And what does it mean if the mod has a reddish box, but green text?
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Donald Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:04 am

There's a help file included with Wrye Bash. It should be an html file in the Bash directory, if I recall correctly.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:45 am

There's a help file included with Wrye Bash. It should be an html file in the Bash directory, if I recall correctly.

Yea, there totally is. And I can't find anything in it that describes what the colors of the text / boxes means :(
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:27 pm

Uhm, so I'm trying to really use Bash to its full potential. So silly question. What do the colors mean? Like, I'm assuming green boxes are good. Reddish boxes are bad? And what does it mean if the mod has a reddish box, but green text?

Green text means "mergeable in bashed patch", blue text is "master file".
If the text has some coloured background you're facing a serious problem, such as two files having the same date.
But often the best instead of trying to figure out the colors is to click the little Mod Checker icon at the bottom, and read the output of that. In particular, it will warn you of missing masters - for when Oblivion crashes on start.
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Len swann
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:20 am

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I've been pulling my hair out after reading the UESPWiki and official Wrye Bash pages. For some reason, Oblivion detects Bashed Patch as requiring all the masters of all my mods - for example, Item Extraction (which requires a million and a half masters) and COBL Filter Late (which is only supposed to be merged, and also has a bunch of masters), neither of which I have installed, are lending their entire masters list to my Bashed Patch. I've tried rebuilding with and without those mods marked as mergeable, but it isn't working in any case. I had my exact modlist on an old hard drive (which crashed) and it was fine, but now I can't play.

Even worse, Wrye Bash doesn't detect any of the "false masters" as being there. Can anyone help at all?
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:32 pm

both those files should be tagged "filter"(normally Wrye autotags them so(maybe through BOSS masterlist, not sure)).
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:13 pm

They both are, but upon closer inspection it seems that Oblivion is detecting the Bashed Patch as having only the masters of Item Extraction. Any reason why that could be? Am I mismerging it somehow?
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:10 pm

Check if Item Extraction has the Filter tag assocaited with it (description, grey box below description, etc). If not, add the tag.

Otherwise, do you have the latest version of Item Interchange?
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:33 pm

Oh dear, that was it :banghead:. Upgraded from v77 to v78 and now it's all fixed. Apparently, I am dumb.
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:50 pm

Item *Interchange*, please.... :banghead:

Glad you managed to fix it yourself, in any case.

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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:10 am

I'm in the process of updating a couple of my Bain packages (including my big "Places" one, with Better Cities, Unique Landscapes, New Roads + Bridges, and a bunch of smaller mods). This involves exactly the same situation I posted about last time -- after my upgrade, the various esps and subpackages are in a different order than before, so the wrong ones are selected.

Short of actually changing the way that works, one other thing that could be very helpful in this process is if there was a way to output the text from the "Sub-Packages" and "Esp/m Filters" boxes on the Installers tab, the way we can output the mod list from the Mods tab. This way, after updating a package, we could look at the output to see which esps/m should be checked and make the corrections manually.

(What I'm doing right now is taking a series of screenshots of the Sub-Packages and Esp/m Filter boxes as I scroll down them (since there are way more items in there than can be seen at a glance.)
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:21 pm

Okay, I have a newb question about the Bashed Patch. Just because something is tagged in Wrye Bash, does it mean that I should check the option while building the Bashed Patch? I recently installed a bunch of new mods, and when I rebuilt my patch, I just went through every option and put a check mark next to every mod listed. (For example, under "Import Cells" I put a check mark next to the UOP) Is this the correct thing to do?
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:14 am

Okay, I have a newb question about the Bashed Patch. Just because something is tagged in Wrye Bash, does it mean that I should check the option while building the Bashed Patch? I recently installed a bunch of new mods, and when I rebuilt my patch, I just went through every option and put a check mark next to every mod listed. (For example, under "Import Cells" I put a check mark next to the UOP) Is this the correct thing to do?

No. Checking every box isn't necessary. Some people may say different, but it's going to depend on what set of records you want to take precedence. For example, if you are running OOO and the UOP's, and you import Inventory, whichever mod is loaded first will lose their records, if they are the same. So if you want OOO stuff, I'd recommend not importing UOP stuff. See what I mean? My personal rule of thumb is to import stuff from mods you want to see the most. I never import anything from the UOP's. But that's just me, maybe.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:36 am

Okay, I have a newb question about the Bashed Patch. Just because something is tagged in Wrye Bash, does it mean that I should check the option while building the Bashed Patch? I recently installed a bunch of new mods, and when I rebuilt my patch, I just went through every option and put a check mark next to every mod listed. (For example, under "Import Cells" I put a check mark next to the UOP) Is this the correct thing to do?

Yes, this is generally the correct thing to do. I would assume that in far more than 90% of the time, this gives the best result. So if you don't know a reason for not tagging an import, do it. The tags are added by knowledgeable people who found a good reason for adding them. For the record, I have one single unchecked tag in my list, for a mod where I know I do not want the graphic changes from that mod to win.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:35 pm

Yes, this is generally the correct thing to do. I would assume that in far more than 90% of the time, this gives the best result. So if you don't know a reason for not tagging an import, do it. The tags are added by knowledgeable people who found a good reason for adding them. For the record, I have one single unchecked tag in my list, for a mod where I know I do not want the graphic changes from that mod to win.

The one thing using this approach that caught me out was the Import NPC Faces - I did not expect a merge of the sub records. Mind you, there were some interesting looking faces :)

In the end, I unchecked this.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:02 am

Yes, this is generally the correct thing to do. I would assume that in far more than 90% of the time, this gives the best result. So if you don't know a reason for not tagging an import, do it. The tags are added by knowledgeable people who found a good reason for adding them. For the record, I have one single unchecked tag in my list, for a mod where I know I do not want the graphic changes from that mod to win.

Ok, well then I guess I'll just stick with this method then. Thanks
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