Wrye Bash #30

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 am

_csv.Error: line contains NULL byte

the problem is that in tables which WB parses (export/import sth) appeared character with number zero (null) this character is untypable and have special meaning. The csv tables are text based, so null character shouldn't appear there. Also strings that contains null in the middle of it would probably lead to weird errors due parsing (strings will be cuted) so the _csv library give error just as it met null

i think it could be related to bash feature with working on non-ansi chars for bain - this is only thing i can imagine - but perhaps it isn't related wit this too
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 am

How do I update a mod using Bain?

If the mod had still the same name, it would be very simple: Just drop the new BAIN archive into the folder, refresh, anneal, rebuild bashed patch, done!
But the normal case is that the file changed its name, e.g. from "Cobl_158-21104.7z" to "Cobl_172-21104.7z".
Unless I want to rename "Cobl_172-21104.7z" to "Cobl_158-21104.7z" (which is a REALLY bad idea...), after which I could simply anneal, the only way I see is the following:
1. Write down the position of the package in the mod ordering
2. Write down which subpackages are installed and which ESPs/ESMs are installed
4. Uninstall the old Version, Move the new Version to were the old one was, tick the same subpackages and ESPs/ESMs, install the new Version
6. run BOSS, rebuild bashed patch

That is quite a bit of work...
(before I remembered that I didn't have to remember where to load the ESPs, thanks to BOSS, it looked like even more)

Is there really no way to make a package point to a different file on disk, or to rename the package and file from within Wrye Bash?

Tried google on gamesas.com and the search function of uesp.net/wiki, but could not find anything relevant for updating with Wrye Bash.

So I am now asking the other users of this tool: How do YOU update mods with BAIN?
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Stryke Force
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:57 am

How do I update a mod using Bain?
So I am now asking the other users of this tool: How do YOU update mods with BAIN?

Usually, I do it like you suggested, except I don't write the index down. Just download the mod, put it into Bash Installers folder (of course, when repackaging is not needed because of the mod's structure), go to Wrye Bash, use Move To to place the new version just next to the previous one, then uninstall the old one and install the new one. Chcecking the proper subpackages is easy now, because you have both version next to each other. Having installed the new version, I usually delete the old package.

EDIT: As for load order, I just rerun the BOSS and put those several unrecognized mods just before the Bashed Patch. Rebuilding Bash Patch and running TES4LODGen when necessary.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:28 am

Yeah, remembering to use BOSS took away the biggest pain point. NOticed furthermore that writing down subpackages and ESPs wasn't necessary thanks to them staying ticked even when uninstalled. So it's not as much work as I feared. :)
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adam holden
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:22 pm

Indeed, it is not. I seem to be doing this almost every other day and it takes several minutes. I wish I have been playing instead :violin:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:03 am

Hello Everyone..
I have a little question... Wyre Bash Function on Windows 7 64 bit? And if the answer is yes... what version of Python and wxpython i must download?
Thss a lot

PS) Sorry for my bad english
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 am

Hello Everyone..
I have a little question... Wyre Bash Function on Windows 7 64 bit? And if the answer is yes... what version of Python and wxpython i must download?
Thss a lot

PS) Sorry for my bad english

Wrye Python should work. It will install everything you need for Bash.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:48 am

How do I update a mod using Bain?
So I am now asking the other users of this tool: How do YOU update mods with BAIN?

I don't really play much and haven't tried these out, but some alternatives
  • Add the patch to your Mod Installers directory. Cobl is a good example - going from v168 to v172 you would keep the v168 base install, then "Install" the v170 patch, then "Install" the v172 patch. You might also need to make sure the patches are below the main install in the installer tab.
  • Open up the main install (Cobl v168.7z) and drag the new files into it - thus updating the archive itself. Then uninstall and re-install in the installers tab.
  • Unzip the files into your Oblivion\Data directory like you were installing the mod, then use Anneal (or was it Refresh) in the Installers tab to update the mod.

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:49 pm

I guess some of you are familiar with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19796.
I'm wondering if it could be possible to make Bashed Patch to change the NPCs using the vanilla skeleton to use Mayu's skeleton.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 am

I guess some of you are familiar with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19796.
I'm wondering if it could be possible to make Bashed Patch to change the NPCs using the vanilla skeleton to use Mayu's skeleton.

I wasn't but I'll give it a look... try to in the next few days, but am actually unusually busy this week, and see if I can make a taggy for it... have an update almost ready anyways which I should get out the door soon.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 am

Every time I check a new mod in Wrye Bash lately I get this pop up:

Traceback (most recent call last):  File "C:\Program\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 1210, in OnItemSelected	self.details.SetFile(modName)  File "C:\Program\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 1323, in SetFile	tagsStr = '\n'.join(sorted(modInfo.getBashTags()))  File "C:\Program\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 6882, in getBashTags	tags = self.getRow().get('bashTags')  File "C:\Program\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 6615, in getRow	return self.getFileInfos().table[self.name]  File "C:\Program\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bolt.py", line 676, in __getitem__	return self.data[key]KeyError: bolt.Path('The Ayleid Steps.esp')

I just close the window and everything works fine - but I wonder what might be causing it?
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patricia kris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

Is it safe to use the anti-A-bomb feature of Wrye Bash even if I don't have yet the A-bomb problems?
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Tai Scott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:07 pm

I guess some of you are familiar with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19796.
I'm wondering if it could be possible to make Bashed Patch to change the NPCs using the vanilla skeleton to use Mayu's skeleton.

As far as I understood from the documentation and from Sangels videos, Mayu's overhaul does not add any animation by itself it reorganizes the animations you have installed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

As far as I understood from the documentation and from Sangels videos, Mayu's overhaul does not add any animation by itself it reorganizes the animations you have installed.

It doesn't add any animations.
MAO just contains all vanilla animations for _male\skeleton.nif, places them into another folder and makes all vanilla NPCs using that skeleton to use one inside MAO's folder so they will use vanilla animations inside MAO's folder instead of the animations in meshes\characters\_male ==> player's character can have custom animations while vanilla NPCs have vanilla animations.

The problem is that MAO isn't compatible with Bashed Patch if it modifies any of these NPCs and that all NPCs added by mods are untouched.
Solution (if possible) == Bashed Patch makes all NPCs using _male\skeleton.nif to use the one inside MAO's folder.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:32 am


So I'm trying to test this OBSEb5 thing (and possibly OBSE b4 being a bigger problem) and trying to remove mods that rely on 18.

On such mod is All Natural. So making sure cell imports, and merges are not checked I've been able to disable almost all of All Natural when rebashing the patch - except AN real lights.

I've been through all of the bash patch menus to make sure anything related to All Natural is not checked - and here is where it gets weird ... Even if I remove AN Real Lights completely from the data folder (not just ghosted - but hidden or hand cut and paste out) - the bashed patch still wants to include it and will remain red until I return the mod to the data folder.

How does that happen? Basically as it is now I cannot shake that mod with this bashed patch and it seems permanently what bash expects to be there even if the esp was removed from the data folder prior to bashing the patch.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:03 am


So I'm trying to test this OBSEb5 thing (and possibly OBSE b4 being a bigger problem) and trying to remove mods that rely on 18.

On such mod is All Natural. So making sure cell imports, and merges are not checked I've been able to disable almost all of All Natural when rebashing the patch - except AN real lights.

I've been through all of the bash patch menus to make sure anything related to All Natural is not checked - and here is where it gets weird ... Even if I remove AN Real Lights completely from the data folder (not just ghosted - but hidden or hand cut and paste out) - the bashed patch still wants to include it and will remain red until I return the mod to the data folder.

How does that happen? Basically as it is now I cannot shake that mod with this bashed patch and it seems permanently what bash expects to be there even if the esp was removed from the data folder prior to bashing the patch.

it has to be that there is one AN file checked somewhere - maybe import cells? merged patches? import graphics? ... or something active that is referencing those files else it really can't include the file... unless it is a bug :(
want to post a copy of your bash patch log (sip the LL section... not needed and will overfill these forums past their limit)...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:27 am

Yeah you're right - I forgot about the Aylied steps real lights patch. ...duh...
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 am

How do you use the feature that let's you have a different loadlist for saves?
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 pm

How do you use the feature that let's you have a different loadlist for saves?

On the Saves tab, right-click the column header and under "Profile", pick "Edit Profiles". Each save profile has its own load list and set of save files.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 pm

Question for Wrye or PacificMorrowind (then finally sleep)-

So after the last couple of days and really having a hard time with my install I noticed Wrye Bash behaving strangely.

first off it seemed to not like mods being missing - yeah AN Real Lights above was my mistake but then similar instances with Kuertee's NPCYield, COBL Real Hunger, and Power Attack Voice mod - I would disable them (and as far as I know there are no tags to wrangle) and the bashed patch would at first not accept them as disabled And I had to remove them from the Data folder in order to get bash to not include anything about them. And yes after the AN Real Lights thing I really checked all options.

Then after that the game would not load without them - arggh - so I would put them back in (but not bashed) then load the game save - exit take them back out - then after several rounds of that the game loaded. Yay - did some testing then wanted to put them back in and the AGAIN the game would not load if I tried to activate them.

Finally just copied a new (blank) Bashed Patch.esp from the MOPY folder and rebashed and it seems to be working well.

So the question is this:
Is it that when you rebash your patch that the contents of the bashed patch.esp aren't fully deleted and there may be random clutter left over from previous bashing?
-or- is it that the esp is supposed to be completely wiped of all info?

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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:22 am

can anyone provide an alternate mirror for Wrye Bash? or just PM me for e-mail/contact details? i'm in China, and for god knows what reason, Wrye's site has been blocked here. :(

thanks in advance.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:59 am

can anyone provide an alternate mirror for Wrye Bash? or just PM me for e-mail/contact details? i'm in China, and for god knows what reason, Wrye's site has been blocked here. :(

thanks in advance.

ufrealms is down since a couple of weeks. Get it at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

ufrealms is down since a couple of weeks. Get it at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368.

tx... thought i had tried before, but guess i just went to the mirror. much obliged.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:21 am

Will it possible to import NPC AI, race of certain NPC? Some mods are known to change races of NPCs(assigns duplicated and tweaked vanilla race), like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22787 or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27885. Since they're not like usual 'NPC revamp' mod, importing face doesn't seem to work well.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

hello there,
first a short thank you to all the wrye bash staff & community for making wrye bash what it is now: just an awesome tool.

I got a bit of a problem.
I'm installing the "BP Cosmetic Library" mod and I can't make the bashed patch finish its process.

the error thrown at me is :
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "F:\GAMES\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 3979, in Execute	patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))  File "F:\GAMES\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 12771, in buildPatch	patcher.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(subProgress,index))  File "F:\GAMES\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 16973, in buildPatch	raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (BP-CosmeticLibraryBase-Public.esm,0x00491A) in race Argonian
Now I checked for eye meshes of Argonian race & they are present in the expected folders
Opening the related ESP ( BP-Cosmetic_Compilation-Alternative.esp ) in TESCS will show no particular problem with even a working "facegen race head preview"

My problem is: I can't sort out exactly where the problem comes from, the error message is a bit obscure to me :wacko:
I tried having a look at bosh.py code but between "eye_mesh" & "mesh_eye" tables I'm a bit confused ...

Is this because some eye in the ESM shouldn't be there ? Is this because an eye in the ESP isn't using the same mesh and therefore causing a problem ?
(but in the latter case I would have thought this would result in "googly" eyes rather than block the whole bashed patch processing ....)

Moreover If I don't leave BP-Cosmetic_Compilation-Alternative.esp active when building the bashed patch, everything's goes smooth but then changes to default races are of course not taken into account !

Thanks for reading.

Update: it seems it does this for all eyes from this mod, I'm wondering if the ESM is somehow not exactly like wrye bash wants it to or something along this line since as I said if the mod is not active when "bashed patching" there's absolutely no problem, and I can then activate the mod, start the game, and additional races (like mystic elves) will get all the eyes & hairs (albeit not default races of course)...
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